All donations, gifts, and stuff I won from giveaways This is just a list so that I can remember kind users! 4laugh ღ RubySacrifice ~ Mysterious Captain ღ Ms Minty Creams ~ 10 mil ღ Eiffel Tower of France ~ lots of items and gold ღ coolerranch1234 ~ 1mil ღ Malus EL ~ oculus mythica ღ xVocaloid Lilyx ~ papers and bugs 30k item ღ SSF charity ~ 25k ღ I Saviour I ~ 10k ღ MoosieFate ~ 100k ღ The Forgotten Cosplayer ~ 3k ღ My Little Calamity ~ 300k and demonic manner ღ Natural Perfection ~ 25.1k trash and bugs ღ Kuro_nee-chan ~ 10k, lots of bugs, papers, flowers, and 28 inks ღ MTbrainz XD ~ 42 inks and bugs ღ Jbear the Panda ~ 10k ღ Kinkity ~ 11 inks ღ Wolfchu ~ tokens and 50k ღ x Forks x ~ 20k ღ x-chopstickks ~ 15k ღ Das Ether ~ 50k ღ bloodie_roses ~ white ink, 1k, tipped ღ Velocity Overide ~ 9k, inks, bugs ღ Dani the Kid ~ 20k ღ Sareim ~ 25k, random items ღ Shikyo Tsuki ~ 2.5k, lots of inks ღ ll Musical-Notes ll ~ 3k and junk ღ poleklaws ~ 400k ღ AmityVillWhorer ~ 3.5k ღ nicole for some fun ~ 1k ღ VAGINASAURES ~ 1k ღ kookiesYUM ~ 20k ღ howiabiac ~ 10k ღ truTh is poVerty ~ Nitemare Sash ღ Popcorn Sheeps ~ 50k and Owlpocalypse ღ Spazziee ~ white ink, other color inks ღ Princess-Orphelia ~ Angelic Headphones ღ kaithxbai ~ 10k ღ qJesse ~ 100k ღ Toxic x-pop-x ~ LOTS of inks ღ Lastcloud ~ 10k ღ Biki En Ashanie ~ 100k ღ MaggotMiser ~ 10k ღ II Cave Johnson II ~ 200k ღ imBB ~ 28k ღ LuLuSaid ~ 2.5k ღ Luna Rebane ~ 600g+Acid Teru Teru ღ Poisionous Kisses ~ 125k ღ Cloches ~ 2.5k+junk ღ sugarcreamrush ~ 10k+heaps of inks!!!! ღ JDGR-Everlong4Ever ~ 10k ღ Delicious Friction ~ 100k ღ Kayliiz ~ lots of inks ღ Naranimous Wumbleurth ~ lots of inks and fish drops ღ neehole ~ 10k ღ Swapsie ~ 10k ღ ll son zack ll ~ 15k ღ animusic95 ~ 7.5k+junk ღ Jazmine Rae ~ full trade of junk ღ Angelic Ankh ~ 200k ღ Remedy Forgotten ~ tipped + Autumn Glory + 10 red, 10 blue, 10 green inks ღ - x electric heart ~ tipped + Bear Pajamas ღ X-SeductiveOutcast-X ~ 25k + Radiant Prism ღ diinoosaauur ~ lots of random junks ღ Youve Been Loki-d ~ 10k ღ moonlight34 ~ 75K ღ Sew Psyched ~ lots of tips ღ Okididit ~ 100k ღ Name Pending Charity ~ Cherry Blossoms ღ Chuu Says Boo ~ BuBu Kitty Plushie ღ Chuisuu ~ tipped ღ Lizzy-Number one _Klainer ~ Hammi Hat ღ Tempest Lorelay ~ Tipped ღ Traitor Kabuto ~ 40k ღ Name Pending Charity ~ 30k ღ HiddlemeLoki ~ 10k ღ Remedy Forgotten ~ 8 Red Inks, 6 Green Inks, 2 Black Inks, 15 Blue Bugs ღ candabear17 ~ 25k ღ ll Sheryl ll ~ Tipped ღ The Gaia Wish Foundation® ~ 50k + blue ink ღ o Different o ~ 10k + kitty lollipop ღ Chibi Pierceye ~ 2 white inks ღ Explicit Porn ~ 25k ღ kawaii tylov ~ 2 white inks ღ Lost lnspiration ~ 50k ღ Lime Flavored Nailpolish ~ 1mil and peachy scarf ღ l RADIOACTIVE l ~ 40k ღ cirridragon ~ 185k ღ Veratox ~ 500k ღ i worship satan tbh ~ 1.1mil ღ VVednesdays ~ 4mil ღ W A N K R ~ 100k ღ Miss Mezzy ~ 2,984,191g ღ Ysabeau Duval ~ gifted dark red sweet lace bow ღ VintagexLace ~ 100k and 5 sweet lace bows from my wl ღ Baby Banirabu ~ 200k ღ iamthebanditking ~ 100k ღ XxAsuka_SamaxX ~ 3mil to help me finish my quest o w o ღ Tobrecan ~ 200k ღ VVanderIust ~ Pure White Sweet Lace Knee Socks and 5 white inks
Pandas v2 · Sun Apr 10, 2011 @ 11:15pm · 0 Comments |