Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is an anime television series directed by Akiyuki Shinbo, with screenplay written by Masaki Tsuzuki, and produced by Seven Arcs. Season 1 lasted for 13 episodes and is licensed by Geneon Entertainment in America. The Opening song is called Innocent Starter by Nana Mizuki and the Ending song is called Little Wish ~lyrical step~ by Yukari Tamura
Plot Summary from animenewsnetwork: Yuuno Scraia is a mage from a distant planet working to fix the problem he started when Jewel Seeds were accidentally spread around the world. In a failed attempt to seal a seed properly, he winds up on Earth in the form of a ferret. However, his battle with the seeds did not end upon reaching the Earth and he needs somebody else's help to seal the seeds for him. Takamachi Nanoha hears his telepathic cries for help and comes to his rescue. When she is given a pearl known as the Raging Heart she is able to transform into Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and wield a staff to fend off the evil that lies within the Seeds. In order to help Yuuno complete his mission, she needs to seal all 21 Jewel Seeds away, but Fate may be playing a hand in the matter to prevent Nanoha's goals.
My opinion: I really enjoyed this anime. For a while I kinda gave up on magical girl anime because it is usually the same s**t over and over again -_- (clumsy stupid girl falls 4 a popular guy at school. Then is told by some cutesy mascot that she has magical powers gets them. Then she must save the world and sometimes is sometimes in a team with other girls. then a second guy comes out of nowhere and he's the one who the main character hates at 1st then becomes part of this retarded love triangle. Then the girl at the end saves the world and ends up with the second guy at the end blah blah blah), but this magical girl anime is different. They actually twisted things up. Nanoha, the main character isn't really stupid (in the earlier episodes one of her friends says that she's doing very well in math and science and also in cram school when the teacher called on Nanoha to answer a question, she answered it correctly). As I watched I didn't see much clumsiness and also there wuz no popular guy at her school that she didn't fall in love with. This anime had a very serious tone and not so childish or goofy like other magical girl anime. Another thing that made this one very unique is the spells and fighting style which I felt was really amazing and well made. My only problem with this season is that it was too short and rushed. I think it would've been better if this season was 26 or 24 episodes. The English dub wasn't too bad, but could have been better. Some of the voices sounded a bit awkward and weird, but I heard that it was the fault of the director because he (or she) didn't do a good job leading the VAs properly. But there were some voices that sounded really good. I thought Fate's English voice was the best out of all of the characters in the show. Other than these problems, I thought that it was one of the best magical girl animes out there. biggrin
Storyline: 4/5 Art: 4/5 Creativity: 5/5 OST: 4/5 English Dub: 3/5
My overall rating of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is: 8/10
splashdream14 · Tue Feb 08, 2011 @ 12:45am · 0 Comments |