KouriMori and Slicer/Okamie

Name: KoruiMori
Nickname: Black Blood Bat
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125 pounds.
Age: ???
Personality: Quite, doesnt talk much, caring and kind though distance. Likes to see a good fight going on.
Ablities: Has daggers in his pockets that he can throw at long distance. He can have it turn into a sword for close range combat. Super Spped and very flexiable. Very hard skin so you cant hurt him physicaly that much. Wears his mask when he's fighting. He can fly with his wings that grow bigger to be useable for flight if he needs them to.
Weakness: Lighting based attacks as they stop him from flying for a period of time depending on how powerful the lighting attack was. Earth type attacks gives him a fairly good amount of damage.
Biograph: Because of Being a Pure blooded demon he has the ablitlies of one. When he gives his body, or his body being taken away from him by his 'other self' he wont remeber what his other has done at the time and will have to ask his other what happened. So he doesnt remember his past because of this. As his other self doesnt know eaither.Wearing his mask that he made from the toughest metals he could find (travels around alot) when he fights.
Name: Has none
Aliasis: The Slicer or Okamie

(The claws are in his hands)(the hood is hideing the horns that are on his head. Also he has smiler wings like KouriMori's But there black)
Age: The same age as KouriMori cause he's a part of him
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 pounds
Personality: Cruel, trickey, the time when you see him smile wide is when he's killing others or something. Get's very angery when someone introupts his killings.
Ablities: His claws replace his fingers as they are the toughest metals in the universe as he melts others in his claws to make them stronger. If theres close combat then he'll use his bone scythe which is hard to brake as it was made from one of the pure blooded demons bones. He has Super speed , super strength and agile. With his mask on his powers triple. Able to fly fast and is hard to keep an eye on when he flys.
Weakness: Braking his horn will stop him from flying momentarily. But his horn will grow back almost instantly when it's broken. Lighting based attacks and earth attacks doesnt do much to him but does hurt him a bit.
Biograph: He's KouriMori's 'other half' He loves to kill others but if he gets payed then it's a bonus for him. Loves to cut pepole up with his scythe and claws. Known to be a killing machine. When he's in control of KouriMori's body there's a lock and chains on his neck. When he doesnt control KouriMori's body he's inside his body able to talk to him. So you may find KouriMori talking to himself at times because he's talking to Slicer.

Name: KoruiMori
Nickname: Black Blood Bat
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125 pounds.
Age: ???
Personality: Quite, doesnt talk much, caring and kind though distance. Likes to see a good fight going on.
Ablities: Has daggers in his pockets that he can throw at long distance. He can have it turn into a sword for close range combat. Super Spped and very flexiable. Very hard skin so you cant hurt him physicaly that much. Wears his mask when he's fighting. He can fly with his wings that grow bigger to be useable for flight if he needs them to.
Weakness: Lighting based attacks as they stop him from flying for a period of time depending on how powerful the lighting attack was. Earth type attacks gives him a fairly good amount of damage.
Biograph: Because of Being a Pure blooded demon he has the ablitlies of one. When he gives his body, or his body being taken away from him by his 'other self' he wont remeber what his other has done at the time and will have to ask his other what happened. So he doesnt remember his past because of this. As his other self doesnt know eaither.Wearing his mask that he made from the toughest metals he could find (travels around alot) when he fights.
Name: Has none
Aliasis: The Slicer or Okamie

(The claws are in his hands)(the hood is hideing the horns that are on his head. Also he has smiler wings like KouriMori's But there black)
Age: The same age as KouriMori cause he's a part of him
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 pounds
Personality: Cruel, trickey, the time when you see him smile wide is when he's killing others or something. Get's very angery when someone introupts his killings.
Ablities: His claws replace his fingers as they are the toughest metals in the universe as he melts others in his claws to make them stronger. If theres close combat then he'll use his bone scythe which is hard to brake as it was made from one of the pure blooded demons bones. He has Super speed , super strength and agile. With his mask on his powers triple. Able to fly fast and is hard to keep an eye on when he flys.
Weakness: Braking his horn will stop him from flying momentarily. But his horn will grow back almost instantly when it's broken. Lighting based attacks and earth attacks doesnt do much to him but does hurt him a bit.
Biograph: He's KouriMori's 'other half' He loves to kill others but if he gets payed then it's a bonus for him. Loves to cut pepole up with his scythe and claws. Known to be a killing machine. When he's in control of KouriMori's body there's a lock and chains on his neck. When he doesnt control KouriMori's body he's inside his body able to talk to him. So you may find KouriMori talking to himself at times because he's talking to Slicer.