• Ashe Pheonix Silvermaw•

• Current Age 23
• Date Of Birth Oct. 23
• Height 4'11"
• Eye Color Bright green
• Hair Color Bright red and orange
• Gender Female
• Misc Markings
• Ranking Second Princess of Dandsil
• Country Of Origin Dandsil
• Marital Status Single
• Personality Ashe is just a bright as her hair. She acts more like the youngest sibling than the second oldest. Yet she's quick witted, and loves to have a good conversation with anyone. Ashe isn't afraid to stand up for someone she thinks is being treated unfairly, she regularly speaks out when she feels the need. Her temper is also as bright and firey as her hair color, quick to spark and slow to die down. Although...she's got a bit of A.D.D, so one moment she can be pissed as can be, and then something will distract her and she'll forget all about why she was mad. She's an adventurer by heart, loving to explore and travel. Ashe is known for her bright hair, firey temper, and adventurous spirit.
• Biography She was born with this hair color. No one knows how, or why...maybe it was a reflection of what her personality was to be like when she grew up. As she got older, she became more and more defiant. Sneaking away from her lessons to ride her horse, or practice archery or swordsmanship in secret. She never showed any interest in getting married, but she never objected to any men coming around either.
• PreferencesShe loves riding her horse, or just wondering around outside with Hex her wolf-hound
• Special Talents An amazing archer, and horseback rider. She also loves to dance.
• Clothing style It Depends
• Anything else? She has a wolf-hound named Hex, who adopted her when she was 15. When standing on his hind legs, he's over a head taller than her.

• Current Age 23
• Date Of Birth Oct. 23
• Height 4'11"
• Eye Color Bright green
• Hair Color Bright red and orange
• Gender Female
• Misc Markings
• Ranking Second Princess of Dandsil
• Country Of Origin Dandsil
• Marital Status Single
• Personality Ashe is just a bright as her hair. She acts more like the youngest sibling than the second oldest. Yet she's quick witted, and loves to have a good conversation with anyone. Ashe isn't afraid to stand up for someone she thinks is being treated unfairly, she regularly speaks out when she feels the need. Her temper is also as bright and firey as her hair color, quick to spark and slow to die down. Although...she's got a bit of A.D.D, so one moment she can be pissed as can be, and then something will distract her and she'll forget all about why she was mad. She's an adventurer by heart, loving to explore and travel. Ashe is known for her bright hair, firey temper, and adventurous spirit.
• Biography She was born with this hair color. No one knows how, or why...maybe it was a reflection of what her personality was to be like when she grew up. As she got older, she became more and more defiant. Sneaking away from her lessons to ride her horse, or practice archery or swordsmanship in secret. She never showed any interest in getting married, but she never objected to any men coming around either.
• PreferencesShe loves riding her horse, or just wondering around outside with Hex her wolf-hound
• Special Talents An amazing archer, and horseback rider. She also loves to dance.
• Clothing style It Depends
• Anything else? She has a wolf-hound named Hex, who adopted her when she was 15. When standing on his hind legs, he's over a head taller than her.
.. twilight_is_for_idiots