Pleased to meet you! I am Number XVII (17) of Organization XII. Roxin,
the Mad Hatteress! I suppose a brief history is in order, ja?
Well I have lived since the dawn of time, so I'm about Four-Billion years old. However I look no older than Fourteen at best.
I was created by God to collect the evil souls of the world,
such as Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte to name a few, and store them in my hat.
My hat is a massive storage-system if you will.
It can hold well almost anything really,
and I can pull what ever I like from it as well!
However there is always a price to pay for such power. . .
That price was my sanity,
the hat makes the wearer go insane from all the evil stored inside it.
I was not always a Nobody,
clearly since the Heartless are resent creations. . .
Though I was living in Halloween Town at the time of my "accident",
when I was out for my midnight stroll and one of the little bastards stole my heart from me!
Though instead of being reborn like what normally happens when I am killed I became a Nobody.
Not but a few days later a group of people found me,
and took me to the World That Never Was.
Place is way to white for my personal taste. . .
Though I was enlisted in the Organization and given a new name as Roxin.
There are actually quiet a few interesting people in the Organization.
My friend Abinixia is the one who found me in Halloween Town and we have grown to be good friends. . .
How? We don't even know. . .
Then there are my two Best Friends! Xigbar, Number Two,
and Luxord, Number Ten!
They are my Poker buddies, even if I own their asses~
But it seems I can always go to them and they'll be there for me.
Then there's Vexen. . . .
The crabbiest,
and at times the most annoying member in the Organization. . . .
Yet I love the man with all my Nonexistent Heart. 8|
He had me at "I demand respect!!"
Since then I followed him trying to screw up what ever experiments I can.
Though some how down the road we tied the knot.
Though our love life is filled with pot-holes and insulting one another like a bitter old couple. . .
Though the make-up sex isn't so bad~ <3
Basic Information
Human Name: Roni
Nobody Name: Roxin
Height: 5"3
Birthday: January 11th
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Glasses/Contacts: Glasses, But I go without!
Guys/Girls?: Guys or Girls.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: My Husband would get mad if I had one. . .
[If No] Interested in Anyone?: Same as ^^
DeviantArt?: Yes, iHannibal there too
Favorite Theme Park: Walt Disney World
Favorite State: Sun-shine state Florida
Favorite Color(s): Red, White, Black, Purple
Favorite Weather: Sun with a cool breeze; light rain; thunderstorms; Snow
Favorite Anime: Axis Power Hetalia; Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji); Trigun
Deviant Art
Fan Fiction