To whoever is reading this,
If you're reading this than you must have wandered upon it by accident though the forms, are a friend of mine, or have found it lying somewhere on the ground in it's non digital form. (If it's the last please find and give this back to me as I will literally be tearing my house apart to find this.) In any case if the first two (or variation of) apply to you continue reading at your leisure, if you're in the third category then STOP READING AND GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK! Aaaanyways, have fun, enjoy, blah blah, something else you don't care about, and goodbye.
August 6th
As this is my first entry I'll give a brief introduction (not really) of myself. If you really just don't care then skip to the next entry.

See that dashingly handsome young man up above the text? That's me. At this moment I am 17 soon to be 18 years of age once September rolls around. If you can't tell I have short red hair and hazel eyes. My skin is peachy and sprinkled with freckles, twice as much on my arms than anywhere else for some reason I've yet to figure out. I come from a long line of carpenters, mechanics, and other very similar jobs. My aspirations in life however are much different however, hopefully by the writing you see you can tell my aspiration is to be a novelist. (or write scripts for comic books) Besides writing I am quite gifted at swimming as I have helped place in three regionals for my old team in which I was the captain. Once my new school starts up I'll be trying out for their swim team. Just recently I moved out of my home in St.Louis to the suburbs outside of New York, New York, a place so great it named itself twice. I've started this journal for two main reasons, first to improve my writing skills and secondly to document my adventures whether real or fictional about the coolest toy ever invented. What is this toy you may be asking? Well I'll tell you it's called an angel from a new game that's coming out this year called Deus Kingdom. I heard some kids talking about it a few days ago when I asked what system it was on on they looked at me like I was crazy. Evidently it's this cool new thing that came from Japan, (what doesn't?) so when I got home I looked it up on youtube. It took awhile to find because all the good stuff was in Japanese but I finally found it. I went from confused to awestruck to OMGWTFTHISISAMAZING!!!1! in a span of about eight seconds. So to sum it up Deus Kingdom is a game where you basically use thought power to control an action figure, beat the s*** out of other action figures, AND get some pretty sweet prizes for it I even think some places gave out scholarships. In even simpler terms I HAD to have one.
August 10th
I just got a job at a CD and music store! Hopefully if all goes well I'll have enough from my job and birthday money to get an angel when it comes out.
Angel Data (for my dream angel)
gender: unknown
body type: normal
Speed: high
Defense: low
HP: medium
I'm not to sure what they should look like yet but I think a punk or grunge look would be awesome!
August 30th
Note to self, I HATE unpacking. And teachers, I really hate teachers.
I haven't written an entry in a while sorry! The reason being I've been busy, really busy. Evidently I have to do summer homework in my new English class or else I start the year off with an F. Normally I'd be fine with this but being told I have to complete a MINIMUM 10 page essay before school starts in 2 and a half weeks over symbolism, theme, syntax, and basically every other form of literary device currently in existence. The book in my opinion is awful as well, it's called Kidnapped and is boring beyond belief. I've got three pages down so far and school starts in less than a week. So I probably won't be able to write another entry in a WHILE.
Angel Data (for my dream angel)
Name: if girl Alice if boy VJ or Vedderjam (if anyone can figure out where the names come from you're awesome!)
gender: unknown
body type: normal
Speed: high
Defense: low
HP: medium
I'm not to sure what they should look like yet but I think a punk or grunge look would be awesome! I told my old friend Kat, from St. Louie about this and she said she'd sketch me some idea designs. So look forward to that!
September 18th
BEST DAY EVER! Why you may ask? Well today just happens to be the birthday of yours truly which means I am now 18 years old which is awesome! Best part of all of this is Birthday money which got me a preorder of my angel, who I've decided to call Cooper. I really can't wait for the angels to come out I want to enter a tournament as soon as possible.
Angel Data (for my dream angel)
Name: Cooper
gender: Male
body type: normal
Speed: high
Defense: low
HP: medium
Basically what I'm envisioning for Cooper is basically a tank, hit em' hard and fast before they hit you back. I'm really used to using stuff like bards in games (using buffs and debuffs also sort of a jack of all trades.) I'm not too sure how that would carry over into a game like this though I'll have to research more. OTL Well thats all for now folks!