With notes in hand the troubled and tired Solomon rushes into the council room. Breathing heavy"I need... to see...the high priest. It's of...dire urgency." bending over slightly and panting as sweat drips like beads of rain off his face, Solomon faces the council. An older gentleman stands up "what is the meaning of this intrusion, do you lack respect for this church and council?" with a stern cold expression upon his face the elder stares right through the troubled priest. blurting out in a hostile tone, "i need to see the high priest, if not then all that we know could be forever gone."
A rabble of out rage broke out among the council. The elder man spoke above the noise,"the high priest is not here he is out on church business, he will return in three days. Now be gone and mind your place!" Walking away smugly the elder waves his hand as if to say go away. with that gesture the other council members drug Solomon, who was struggling and yelling, out of the council room and threw him to the floor in the long hallway. Locking the doors they return to their meeting dismissing what Solomon said as mere ramblings of a fool.
Sadness and anger mixed inside Solomon as he began to feel fear them rage. Rolling up his papers and tying a string around them to hold them tight he ran out of the church and down the street towards the docks
Three hundred and fifty miles away in the Drugar Mountains two stout dwarfs stand guard in front of a sealed craven deep beneath the mountains, sharp axes by their side, cross bows locked and loaded.
A great bellowing noise starts to arise from out of the sealed off craven. The walls tremble and shake, an ear splitting high pitch screech is heard. The two guards take up their weapons and began felling the great oak beams the support the ceiling as they flee the craven and head upward back to their village.
Two weeks later:
Along the winding road leading to Tetera a solemn stern figure walks the road staff in hand. His robe moving in the slight breeze, hair dancing on the wind,the foreign looking trinket around his neck swung back and forth like a pendulum as he moved closer and closer to Tetera.
Finally arriving in Tetera the man heads for the local tavern. Entering the tavern his stern gaze surveys the room. Spotting a chair in the back corner he immediately heads for his chosen seat. As he makes his way a paper tacked to the wall caught his eye. Stopping suddenly he scans over the paper. Anger filled his eyes, he grabs the paper and rips it off the wall leaving only random pieces stuck to the wall. Letting out a low growl,"damned fool, if he would of only waited he wouldn't be missing, DAMN HIM!" pulling back his rage he makes it to his seat and begins to watch the room and absorbs all that he notices, even down to the smallest detail.
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