True love will drive many to do what they individually considered to be impossible. True love will cause people to break the expectations and standards of society, and will make a person stand out from the crowd. True love; this is the basis of the calling on my life. My parents don't understand it, nor encourage it, but this my life.
About a year ago, a good friend of mine, Madelin, was sent into a mental hospital (hopefully to be released when she turns 18 in December. I pray for that). She and I have known each other since fifth grade and have always acted like brother and sister. Somehow, we became wonderful friends.
But as she was experimenting with her spirituality, she ran through several different religions, including Egyptian religions, Mormonism, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Finally, she found the truth of Christianity. It changed her life, and has stuck with her through all she's been through.
When she accepted Christ, I was so excited! I immediately became that much-needed friend to her. I was her mentor in a way. God was able to use me in profound ways in her life. She quickly learned what true Christianity was, and came to me for everything she needed. I truly cared about Madelin. I developed a Godly love for her that knew no bounds. She was a wonderful friend.
Unfortunately, Madelin had a dark side. As a result of her experimentation in religion, she began to be spiritually influenced by the Egyptian religions. To the point where she began to suffer hallucinations. In an attempt to cure her, her parents quickly sent her to see psychologists and psychiatrists who gave her psychoactive drugs. These drugs, as they have done to millions of others, caused her brain to go into overdrive to counteract this foreign substance. These drugs did nothing but worsen her condition.
Throughout, Madelin's sanity had been going back and forth. She had her highs and she had her lows. But she suffered every day. It put strain on her friends and family, and it wasn't something she advertised to many people (in fact, I was one of two). These drugs were destroying her mind, and she was going in and out of mental hospitals.
About a year ago, she had told me that she was trying to kill herself. I know these are the drugs that are talking because her faith in Christ had remained solid. This broke my heart. She was even trying to cut herself with her own glasses! I was heartbroken over this! I still am! As her spiritual mentor and best friend, I had (and have) a feeling of failure to her. A sense of responsibility. The thoughts of, "If only I could have been there for her more. I should've been continually praying for her. I was her example and I let her down. I was her role model, and somehow I failed her."
With tear-blurred eyes I write this, but as of a year ago, she had been permanently transferred to a mental hospital in northern California. The doctors have full custody over her and control everything. She had been taken from her parents by the child services, so they no longer have any authority over her.
These doctors obviously have NO care about her. Like many patients, these doctors simply don't want to deal with her. So they load her up with psychoactive drugs to the point where she can't function, and then leave her in a corner to rot. This is just as bad, if not worse, than genocide. These same doctors who promised to always help and cure their patients are stepping aside and taking the easy way out. Along the way, they rob her of her humanity, ability to function, and even her very spirit. These men have no authority to do so to her, or any other patient. They rob both the victim as well as the victim's loved ones. This young girl, who once had so much potential, would now be lucky to not live in a hole the rest of her life. I pray that she marries the right man who can provide for her properly and aid her through her illness.
I have no way to stay in contact. These doctors cut her off from the outside world completely. No letters, no phone calls, no internet, nothing. Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. She's locked away with no hope of every escaping her torment.
This is my inspiration to work in a mental hospital as a psychologist. Not only is my interest in the field of psychology, but it is an area that hits me on a personal level. I know and understand the pain of having a loved one treated like this. As a doctor, I may not be able to change the world, but I can make a difference in the individual lives of those I work with. I will not take the easy way out. I know the pain.
This is why I don't stand for people who advocate the medication route. To say that medication is the only thing you can do. Medication is to be used as an aid, not a solution. Research and studies have shown that treatment is much more effective than medication. In fact, most problems stem from over medication. I've personally talked to people who have miraculous stories of treatment. To hear people tell me, "Since the problem is physical, treatment doesn't help, and medication is the only way to deal with these people" is to tell me that these doctors had every right to rob Madelin of who she is. I don't stand for that. The purpose of a mental institution is to not cure these people (that is impossible). The purpose of a mental institution is to teach these people how to live with their disabilities.
In fact, just last week (and yesterday) I had an issue with somebody on this topic. When somebody takes the other side of that topic, they are walking a fine line, because I would love nothing more than to beat them to the ground. By telling me that these people are worthless simply rub salt in the wound. That sense of responsibility for Madelin is simply wrenched inside of me, and I can't bear it.
I know that before she left, Madelin told me she wanted to open a mental hospital. At the time I simply encouraged her and moved on. But now that I've found my calling, this will be for her. She is my motivation. I pray she will be able to open that hospital. If not, my practice will be in memory of her and I will not take the easy way out with patients.
True love motivates me to do the impossible, and even the insane.
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