Gaianame: Setsuna Duanun
Full Name: Sophia Moreau
Alias/ Nickname: Miss Elyse
Hair Color: blonde
Iris Color: brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130lbs
Sex: female
Sexuality: straight
Martial Status: divorced
Residence: 3124 Mon Marten' street Paris, France
Blood Type: A+
Medical Records:
---<:: Defects:none
<Lower and Legs:
::Other Medical Information:
> lost a child in the past 2 years
Equipment:a small knife in her bra. A locket with a picture of Jon in it.
Biography: Sophia Moreau was born and raised on the French,Belgian border. When she was 17 she met a young french man named Jon Moreau, who was going to college at a Belgian university. They married less than 6 months later and moved to Paris. Sadly they lost a child Rene when she was 20. shortly there after her joined the french army to protect France and divorced her, in case he failed and the Germans invaded, and lest she be persecuted because he was Jewish. Sophia took a job here at the cabaret as a lounge singer and tango dancer.
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