Costume day was amazing, dressed up but didn't really know what I was...

finally decided I was the "Dutchess of the Underworld." hah. ^^ pretty awesome considering by the end of the day I had over $300 in my pocket for Keggers money for Friday,
which brings us to it!
Senior Black Day. We wait our WHOLE high school career to wear black and lord it over the underclassmen, but SOME underclassmen don't understand tradition and decide to burst our decade-old bubble anyways. stare
Pep fest after the tidbit of 4th hour we had was pretty cool, seemed really fast. Took a class picture:

and went to Keggers for our senior lunch! Was alright, took some pics, and came back.
then got started on the float. Actually went over a LOT better than i thought it would be... ^^ In the end it all turned out okay, just wish I woulda stayed and watched the rest of the parade.
Which, btw, no one from the community went to. kinda sad, because the band seriously sounded as awesome as they did at Sioux Falls. Which is a lot better than it ever was last year. :]
and homecoming night! ahhmazingness. ^^ when we first got there (which was a little delayed because I forgot my clari at school... sweatdrop ) i completely screwed up my finger setting up (don't ask... hah.) for pep band, then chilled with Gabbie and Taylor and her friends and Shane, who was actually going on a "blind date" of sorts with Jordan. (obviously, they're both flaming gays. xD) got eaten alive by bugs until Jordan brought some spray, then it was time to march!
we did awesome, just sayin'. ^^ I'm getting a little sick of Black Saddle (i vote either Soak up the Sun or that one Michael Jackson song...), but hey I'mmma senior!! whee
then watched the rest of the game w/ some senior girls (finally got to do the jumping jacks thing... yuss~ x] ), of course we smashed MCC. :] How funny I have cousins that go there... lol. after the game was the dance, which was actually pretty epic, too. I MADE it worth the friggin' $5 to get in. geez what's the economy coming to? hah. kinda sad I couldn't stay until the very end- lonnie wanted to go home early. stare
made me really really really miss being an artsie. in fact, for all of Friday practically everything reminded me in some way of SAI. *happy sigh* When the dance was first getting started I chilled with the foreigners in the hallway and I was just kinda bobbing to the music and one of them asked me if I like to dance.
.... which is a hard question to answer. because in all honesty, I can't dance. but i like trying to the right songs. So I simply told him that "Well, in two weeks I went to six dances." 'nough said. x]
so went to sleep at midnight. got up at 1:30 PM the following day. worked on 4-H agenda, neglected cleaning the house, went to willmar to take a picture and get some supplies, came home and ate supper and finished planning the meeting and went to 4-H.
something needs to change at the meetings. I made us all get around the table, and we just talked about stuff concerning the healthiness of the club. we all decided we hate how dull the meetings are, and we feel we should do more work in the community. We also agreed that the round table thing was a good idea. (and i honestly like it a lot better. I hate talking at people instead of to them... plus everyone was giving a crapload more input than any other meeting i've led)
then afterwards mom just wouldn't shut up about the J's. Good grief woman, is it really worth the trouble you're putting into it to complain about them?!?! I just took it all in stride on the ride home, but when she went and repeated ALL of her complaints from the car, I'd had enough. I told her to shut up because i don't want my club fighting amongst themselves. How the hell can we have fun if we're all complaining about each other behind each others backs?!
but tonight was alright besides that....
Memorable quotes from dad tonight:
i was just looking at karen's nose... it looks just like mine, I'm sorry.
if its cold outside
and the wind chills your skin
go in the house
and drink some gin
(^ poem he wrote in 5th grade about a month when its windy)
one-eth by land
two-eth by sea
let's have a drink
and it's on me!
(^ alcohol in Philly. "Ahh we just founded our nation. Let's go get some beer." xD)