
Name: Kiyomi
Meaning of her name: "Pure Beauty"
Sex: Female
Race/species: Elf/Ice Maiden
Age: Unknown
Birth date: Unknown
Orientation/Sexual preference: Straight
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye color: Very soft blue
Lips: Icy blue
Hair color: Grey or white with light blue tips
Hair style: Usually long, straight and left down but when pulled up looks like this
Clothing: She has a blue scarf that goes around her neck and falls to her mid back, she wears a white dress with a black belt or a blue dress with a white belt. She has 2 arm bands on each arm, one white and one blue and two bracelets that match on each wrist. She wears fish nets ending in black stiletto boots.
Weapons?(If any): Two hand guns and ice/frost she can breathe and shoot out from her hands
Personaliy: She is very smart and thinks fast. She doesn't take s**t from anyone and keeps to herself.
Ref. pics:

art by Rainbow Flight