Normal. Adverage. Human.
It was just like any other day for you. You wake up and do your daily routine with chores, talking and hanging with friends, with family, eat, sleep, whatever. But something happens that day that sends your whole life in a spiral, something happens that you can't explain, and suddenly you're no longer normal, you're a freak, a wack-job, and you can't even defend yourself because you don't even know how it happened, so you are shipped off to a asylum.
Insane. Crazy. Freak.
At the asylum, you try hard to convince the nurses, counselors, and even the doctors that you aren't crazy, and that some freak accident happened that you can't put into words because you'll sound...well, crazy. The adults there just nod and smile, like they understand but they really don't. Finally, after trying all you could, you accept that you're stuck in this place until you get 'better'. You try all you can, or don't even try at all, to seem normal, when suddenly something happens...something supernatural.
Out of this world. Powerful. Supernatural.
You discover that you have powers, abilities, and it seems they are just starting to show. You don't know how this happened to you, and you wonder who knows and who doesn't. You wonder who else has powers. Well it seems that everyone in the asylum does, including the workers! Yes, the workers also know you have powers, and they even have powers themselves. You see, the government runs the asylum, and they collect people who have situations similar to yours to see if you have powers. At first they act like everything is normal, and when your powers start to show, you are then trained to enhance them. Why is the government showing such interest? Well, it seems they want to use you, as well as everyone in the asylum, as members of an army. With this army, they will create 'good'.
Welcomed. Trained. Enhanced.
But, there's always an apposing force is there not? Well this is where these characters come into play. A group known as The Possessors occationally attack or sneak into the asylum, and kidnap the children and teens there to their own 'safe haven', believing they are saving them from the governments 'evil schemes'. It seems like everyday someone disappears, and the asylum workers try hard to keep everyone in the asylum, and fight back the Possessors before they take everyone there.
Lost. Confused. Torn.
In all this confusion is dominant. For some people, that is. You see, the teens and children stuck in the middle who are fought over don't know who are the good guys, and who are the bad. Some believe the asylum members are good, while others believe the Possessors are. But who are really? That's for you to find out, as the battle takes place between Possessors and asylum members.