Father: Erebus (god of the night)
Mother: Selene (goddess of the moon)
Age: unknown
Eyes: light gray
hair: long and silver

Born a goddess, her future beauty could clearly be seen on the day of her birth. Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love, became angry at her beauty and locked away Diana's heart so she could never love. She also convinced Apollo, god of prophecies, to make a false prophecy about Diana. Zeus, king of the gods, banned Diana from the home of the gods after hearing Apollo. He also took away her godly powers, But he had already fallen in love with her beauty and couldn't bring himself to take away her immortality. After seeing they're child being thrown out of their home, Selene sent a white rabbit formed from the moon's tears to guide Diana, while Erebus sent a raven formed from his sorrow. Now with the company of her two guardians, Diana travels in search of her lost heart in hope of finding the love that could cure her from her forever loneliness.