Name: Kiyoshi (aka "Kiyo" wink
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Blood Type: O
Birthday: Oct 31
Age: 22
Brigade: VII
Specialty: firearm - revolver
Resume: Leader of Seventh Brigade for past 3 years. His accuracy in aim is uncontested.
Uniform Reference: [x][x][x]
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde, longer bangs on one side falls over left eye
Personality: Talkative, relaxed, incredibly sarcastic, easy-going. Becomes the opposite in battle, in which he can be very demanding, serious, and strict. He will not tolerate disregard for orders. He can be unexpectedly cold-blooded when it comes to assassinating. He will not hesitate to kill and sometimes needs to be stopped from getting too obsessed.
Likes: watching movies, comedy, sleeping, talking
Dislikes: liars, criminals, recklessness
Orientation: Homosexual
History:Kiyoshi lost his last comrade in a hard-pressed battle. He had ignored his leader's orders, and his partner threw himself in front of a bullet to protect him. This close partner had also been Kiyoshi's love interest and Kiyoshi was traumatized by his death. For several months, Kiyoshi was in rehabilitation for depression and attempts at suicide. He recovers slowly and decides to commit himself to his job so that his friend's death was not in vain.
Since the tragedy (which he never speaks about), Kiyoshi vows never to allow anyone to die for him. He tries not to seem too easy, but has a soft spot for the innocent and the naive. He gets attached very easily. He is very protective of Haru and Nelle, who have been on his team for the last two years. He thinks of himself as their older brother and would risk his life for them without a second thought. But he gets annoyed by their similar dedication to him.
He acts as kind of a wingman for Haru, who doesn't know how to approach Nelle.