I have looked over all the things I could think of how real life relates to dreams. Like one way life could be like a dream, when we end the day we only remember the last thing that happens, just like in a dream. I went through the entire day thinking, if we all had the same opinion I wouldn't be typing this, nor would you be reading it. Another thing I did during my, what I remember as a "good" day, I have also went through my mind as quick as I found humanly possible, ruled out all the people who I had supportive evidence that I could no long trust. None of those people are on gaia I may add. Spent an hour and 45 min. sitting on my balcony staring at the sky as it changed from day to night, wondering what it would be like to just fall. . . Forever.
Kaizath · Fri Mar 26, 2010 @ 09:32am · 0 Comments |