Just toying around with the idea of a space-travelling mermaid on and off duty.
Total Value: 1,086,202 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Compass of Seidh 2nd Gen
Anima Adamantea 6th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 5th Gen.
Twinkle the Space Goat
Pearlescent Seafolk
Total Value: 1,220,968 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Twinkle the Space Goat
Pearlescent Seafolk
Fruits de Mer
Fruits de Mer
Heavenly Drapes
Seracila Pendant
Total Value: 1,086,202 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Compass of Seidh 2nd Gen
Anima Adamantea 6th Gen.
Yemaya's Pearl 5th Gen.
Twinkle the Space Goat
Pearlescent Seafolk
Total Value: 1,220,968 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Twinkle the Space Goat
Pearlescent Seafolk
Fruits de Mer
Fruits de Mer
Heavenly Drapes
Seracila Pendant