names; princess, pancakes, pan, panny, cakes
Siblings; three plus a brother in law & a sister in law
Relationship Status; TAKEN!!! karyouonigami ftw
Age; 18 going on 19 - 8/3/91

My name is princess pancakes. I live in NY state with my mother and brother along with his wife and baby. I am a senior in high school and I just want to get out! There are a million things on gaia that I want right now but a girl needs to know when to say no. So I decided to quest some special items rather then all of gaia. my dream probably isn't going to come true but i am going to try damn hard to get as close as i can to my goal! Any and All donations will be accepted. I am slightly psychotic but fun to be around so please help me at least by hanging out and chatting that way you'll make gold too c: I really am a nice person I donate when I can but right now I need to focus on my quests. I have a nephew and two nieces that i love to death and an amazing boyfriend named Andrew.
Pancake's Wish List Quest

Angelic Manner
Scarlet Mist
SDPlus #9 Rina
SDPlus #46 Mirai
S Gaia Tshirt
Crimson Promise
Winged Anklets
Ponzu the panda
Lovely Lady Soldier Wasabi
Dark Lady Soldier Sake
Future Lady Soldier Gari
Current Quest

Angelic Manner
none yet