You pull out an elastic and honestly don't know who it could be. You look around and then realize who it is. Sokka. His hair was down and Suki glared at you. "Sorry, Suki. I won't do anything.. promise." you say as you walk into the closet with her boyfriend. A few minutes go by, about two or three. Tick Tock. Sokka whistles, "So, uhh. Yeah." "Yupp.. so here. do you want this back?" you ask holding out the elastic. "Uh, yeah, sure. What is it..?" he couldn't see. It was pitch black. You sighed in frustration, "You elastic." "Oh, uh, yeah." he gets up and trips. "Ow." he gets back up as you giggle. He stumbles over to you but trips and lands on you, knocking you to the ground. "Nice one." you say under your breath. "Well, I can't see a damn thing around here!" he shouts. He's right ontop of you. "Well, that's not my fault!" you shout back. "Yeah it is! If you didn't pick me we wouldn't even be in this mess!" he replies in anger. "Well, if you hadn't put your elastic in the ********' bag, we wouldn't--" you were interupted by Sokka's... lips?!?!?! You pull away after a minute or two. "SOKKA! WHAT THE ********!" you shout. "Oh, come on. You were injoying it." he replies. "Well, maybe, but, Suki's gonna shoot me!" you shout, he gets off of you. "Your right, sorry." The door opens, it's Suki. "Hey, Suki. Don't worry. NOTHING happened, trust me." you glare at Sokka.
"Mask?" you ask. Nobody stands up for sevral minutes, but then Sokka jumps up. "Thats me isn't it?" he says.You laugh as you both walk in the closet. "You're really funny Sokka" you say as the doors shut. "Really? You think so?" he said surprised. He grabbed you then brought you closer to him. "Sorry, I thought I saw a spider" he said. "How? it's pitch black" you said in disbelief. "Oh my mistake" Sokka started, "Well I guess we should stay like this just in case" You smiled as Sokka held you in his arms. His fingers ran through your hair. You looked up at him and kissed him. You two didn't take a breath until the 7 minutes were up. "Time flys when your having fun" you say as the door opened. Sokka picks you up and carries you to his seat. "This is your new seat." He says holding you. You share one last kiss before the game goes on.
"I got number one", you say. "Oh hey, thats me!!" says Aang excitedly. He hops up and runs into the closet. You stand there confused, but Azula pushes you in and slams the door shut behind you. It's silent for a little while and you think great, i got the little kid whos too shy to do anything. But the you hear "Sooooo, are you too embarassed to kiss me? Cuz if you are, then you don't have to thats ok I mean i wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." "no, its ok, I'm just a little shy." you say. "Thats funny, cuz i am too." says Aang. You can feel him getting closer and closer to you. He reaches for your hands and holds them, his palms are sweaty but you don't care. He moves in and kisses you lightly on the lips, the he backs off. "There, was that ok?" he asks. "yea", you answer, the you throw your arms around him and kiss him for a long time, he tenses up in suprise, but then he smiles in the kiss and holds you around the waist. "Ok! Times up!!" you hear outside. And the door flings open. "Whoaaa!!! lets keep it PG-13 fellas!! yells Sokka from in the room. Aang breaks away from you and turns bright red. You walk out holding hands and you sit down next to each other. Katara glares at you and turns up her nose at Aang's smile. You smile and cuddle with him.
"I got number 4" you say "Sweet!!! thats totally me!!" he sticks his tongue out at the other guys, grabs your hand and runs in. Azula slams the door shut behind you. "Hi _____, im Sokka!! Your really cute!!" he said. You blush and look up at his goofy smile. "Well Sokka i think you're really cute too, you say playfully and you lean in to kiss him. He smiles in the kiss and playfully pets your hair with one hand and gently caresses your neck with the other. You shiver in delight and just as you start to get into it Azula yells "Timesss upppp!!!" And she flings the door open. Seeing as Sokka does not make any move to stop, you slowly pull away and lead him out. He is dazed and pulls you onto his lap where he holds you and you cuddle. Suki looks pissed and she glares at Sokka, but he is too busy snuggling with you, you smile at her and she walks out. Ty Lee starts to bawl and she runs out too. You thought you saw a flicker of envy in Azula's eyes, but then she looked back down. "Would you be my girlfriend ____?" asks Sokka. "Of course!" you answer and kiss him on the forehead. He smiles and turns bright red.
Congrats! You got Aang!
You show everyone the boomerang then walk into the closet. A few seconds later, you saw someone walk in. you didn't know who it was but you could tell that they were blushing. "Hi..." it was Aang. he leaned in for a kiss that he had been waiting for for the longest time. you were blushing, alot. you had always had a crush on him but had never had enough guts to tell him. you kiss him long and hard when you feel his hand slide up the back of your head. you opened your eyes and looked into his. "wow..." you said then Katara opened the door, gasped then burst into tears. she ran out of the room crying. that night when the game was over you two became bf and gf... good for you....
Congrats! You got Sokka!(me:lucky *glares*) You show everyone the headband. "Hey, isn't this Aang's?" you ask. "I let Sokka borrow it." said Aang. You see Sokka blush slightly. You stand up and walk towards the closet. Just before you closed the door, Sokka stepped in. You were silent for a while then said, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to." "No, trust me, I do." He leaned in for a kiss. You met him halfway. You two kissed passionatetly for the longest time. His hand moved up to the back of your head and he dipped you back a little bit for a better kiss. Neither of you even realized it when Azula opened the door. Suki and Yue glared and you two then stormed out of the room. When you two finally finished, you walked out of the closet hand in hand.
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