It was ten years ago now I think. Yeah, that’s about right. This is my earliest memory I have. I was four years old at the time. I remember there was a woman there with a bright smile, and I remember her calling out that I shouldn’t wander off. Then there was a strange feeling and the whole world around me changed. It was like there was no more colour around me, none at all. Then something caught my eye, a flash of blue as a fishy looking woman stood up. Then I noticed the girl that was right in front of her, and the fact that it looked like the blue woman was attacking her. I didn’t know the girl, but I knew that it wasn’t right, so I ran forward to protect her. I think I shouted something, but I don’t remember what it was. I got there just in time, protecting her with my body. I remember it hurt a lot when all those needles went into me, but then everything else was just blackness.
When I woke up I was looking into the face of that same girl as before. She was sleeping right next to me, but I actually knew her name this time. She was Sin, and she was my friend. I guess everything before that was just a nightmare because it seems so blurry now. There was a woman there too, I knew her when I saw her. That woman with short silver hair and yellow eyes, she was our aunt, Ameri. The two of us grew up together in that place with our aunt taking care of us. We were orphans, but we always had each other.
We played, ate, slept, did everything a normal family would do together. Then one day, the year we would both have turned eight our aunt came to us on the beach with a gift for each of us. They were eggs. I remember being told that this egg, the creature inside, was going to be my partner. If I took good care of it then it would become a powerful ally to me one day. I was so excited, and curious about what would come out of the egg. Before too long it hatched and I got a brand new friend in Conomon.

Over time Conomon grew and eventually became Kokomon and then Lopmon, which is the form she uses all the time now. We learned to fight after that. Spirits of Digimon were coming into our world and trying to disrupt it. We had to protect out home, and that is what we did. I learned how to make Lopmon evolve into Turuiemon, her adult form, so we could defend ourselves better. There was a while where something really strange was happening to Sin, and I felt like she wasn’t all there. All her fire was gone. I was really scared and I did everything I could to bring her back to herself, but nothing worked.
I had worked myself into such a rhythm of fighting the restless spirits over the past few months, I was totally caught off guard when a huge circle opened in front of us dropping out what looked like a freaky clown. I knew there was something different about this guy from all the spirits we had fought before. Those never appeared through giant glowing gates for starters, and second, he looked really bright against the muted colour of our home. Still, if this guy had the same intentions then he was our enemy.

The next few years were pretty peaceful after that. We did still have spirit Digimon to face now and then, but for the most part it was pretty good. I do remember the feeling of something pulling at my chest, a little like the feeling I got shortly after Lopmon hatched, but not as powerful. I was more worried about Tsumi. I had only just gotten her back and now she wasn’t acting like herself again. I tried so many times to cheer her up, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, one day, it was like she just snapped out of it. I don’t know if it was something I did, but I don’t think it is. At the same time the pulling feeling I’d had all that time faded away as well.
After that things went back into a routine for the next few weeks. There was an increasing number of spirits for us to face but we kept up well. Then one day we came across a human girl. I had spotted a human in our world before, a long time ago, but after I told Aunt Ameri about it she said we shouldn’t let the human children see us. I remembered this and made sure Sin didn’t get close. It seemed like she wanted to though, and when Airdramon struck it was all I could do to keep her from fighting him with the girl around. Then I saw our chance, she was reaching out for her friends and I thought we could use that. It was difficult but we used our combined power, Sin and I, to allow that call to get through to the human world and bring her friends to where we were. We’d had to hide quickly after that or the boy would have spotted us.

I watched them for a while, right up until the girl with a Hawkmon tried to climb down into a canyon and ended up falling into it, pulling the other girl with her too. I wondered if they were okay, but I was too afraid of being seen by the boy to come out of my hiding place. I don’t know what happened, but soon the girls’ digimon came back out of the hole and told the boy that the girls were okay but needed help to get back up. I figured it was about time they got back to their world, but I didn’t know where Sin was and I couldn’t do it just by myself. Maybe if I got them to the ocean it would be easier, but how could I show them there? I couldn’t let them see me and it was so far away.
I almost stumbled with the force it hit me. I could use the curtains we used to transport long distances. How could I forget that!? Ever since we had opened those portals to bring the kids in we had been practicing with that ability and learning to use it for normal things like getting around. We never did connect to another world again though. It was hard, but I set it up so they would be able to hear the waves through the curtain and hopefully follow them. Only the pretty brunette seemed to hear it, but that was enough because the others followed her.
Something was weird though. One of the girls seemed like she couldn’t see the ocean. Was that normal for these people that they couldn’t see it? Because they weren’t like me? I watched her yell about how she wanted to see the ocean, and I wanted her to see it too, and then she said she did. I was ready to try and open a passage to take them back where they came from, but something else did it for me. I was watching the battle when the two girls did something really cool. I’ve never seen digimon combine together like that before. I wonder if Lopmon and V-mon could do that too.

Both of our partners were down when he started laughing at us. He said that he understood why we were there. He said that we weren’t digimon, and we weren’t Humans. We didn’t belong anywhere else. I asked him what he meant. I had always considered myself a human because I was obviously not a digimon so what else could I be? Well, that wasn’t good enough for him, no. He said that I couldn’t be human because humans were only born from the human world, just like Digimon could only come from the Digital World. He said that I wasn’t anything more than a shell of a creature that had nowhere to belong except in the shadows of an incomplete existence.

After that I can’t remember anything except that I wanted that digimon gone so badly. I can’t even remember how the fight ended. I just remember waking up and being laid out in a strange looking place filled with toys. For some reason the colours made me smile. I pushed myself into a sitting position, only to feel something hit my lap and make an annoyed squeaking noise. I was only a little surprised to see that it was Conomon. After apologies I looked around and I saw Sin along with Chicomon. Something seemed strange about my friend, but not in a bad way. She just seemed so serene when she was looking after what looked like other baby digimon.
I jumped as a voice spoke up behind me. A red digimon, kinda like a rabbit but nothing like Lopmon was looking at me and telling me he was happy that I was awake. He told me that I was in Primary Village and I had been out cold for just over three weeks. I wondered what could have hit me so hard. Then I remembered fighting Daemon. Why couldn’t I remember much past our partners getting knocked to the ground? Refusing to think about that I only let myself have fun playing with and looking after the babies with Sin and we decided to leave the next morning. Sin was too excited about exploring this world we had never seen before to wait any longer, and I have to admit that I was really curious about it too.