Today's Weather: fair
Grandparents are over at home for 2 weeks, since last week. I had to sleep on a tarp while they slept in my bed. I don't mind, though where I have to sleep in that tarp is a bit problematic; either downstairs in the family room or in my sister's room, where we complain about each others' snoring.
It's President's Day, so it's a holiday and thus no classes. I got a PSTAT midterm tomorrow, but I feel a bit confident since the professor said it's more about how you get the answer than the answer itself, or something like that.
The afternoon was spent around the beach by my college, taking pictures, and watching the view. Then dad and grandparents went off wandering around the school while my mom, sister, and I went to drop my stuff off in my dorm and then go to the shopping center; my mom at K-Mart and my sister and I at Borders.
Got to read volume 24 of One Piece. That took a while to find unwrapped, but at least I can carry on reading the series back at the Borders at home.
Someone bid on my Ring:Bandage but wants a refund. I did, so back to the marketplace it goes.
Fine day, I hope tomorrow's midterm will go well for me.
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Archives of KZN02
Location: California.
Favorites: BIONICLE, Anime, Wiki Editing, Building, Video Games.
The WG's Official Awesome Robot
Just because I'm a robot doesn't make me evil
Questing Black (673/750) and White (73/750) Inks
Just because I'm a robot doesn't make me evil
Questing Black (673/750) and White (73/750) Inks