Parents:Both died in a car accident
School:Transfering to school (undecided atm)
Yuuji Misoaki
is a fragile almost porcelin like bishonen that when in past schools such as
his junior high he was idolized though had no real true friends he could talk to that would understand his hobbies or feelings.Yuuji is a very gentle soul who loves to draw scenery like woods and oceans his talent yet to allow him the courage to join any art clubs, He also enjoys drawing manga charecters and is afraid that he will be deemed uncool and outcasted even though he has a pretty face.He is also secretly Homosexual and recently has been sexually frigid though he has no one to talk to about his sexual prolems he hopes his third year of highschool will allow him to acquire friendships that will stay with him Poor Yuuji! emo
(looking for art for him)
Hair color: Black
Eye color:Bright vibrant goldenrod (basicly yellowish)
Height: 5 feet 5 inches(he is pretty short for guys)
Weight: About 120 pounds (quite delicate and thin for guys so he is not good for sports)
Rank in school: Number 1 in testing scores at his old highschool
Class in school: Vice President
Title razz rince(awarded by most female body of school)
By night he is a demon fighter Named (secret identity kinda thing)
Hiro the Devil (still fragile just killer and stealthy)
Ref images:
{again looking for art}
(him as hiro)