Last day of Winter Break
Today is the last day of Winter Break (as you can see by the title), so I decided that I should probably start preparing my bookbag and stuff, so I'm not running at last minute to get them ready and such (as I am notoriously known to do ninja ). Well, I got everything checked off my list (yes, I have a list), except for one, and that's to find my schedule that tells me who I have for the second semester. I looked all over the house, and I can't find it anywhere. So, hopefully, the people in the guidance office will give me a copy of my schedule....kitty says please =9 uu 9= . This is my first journal entry, and depending on if I'm in the mood or not, I might put more journal entries up. Well, have a good night or day, whichever one is happening right now where you are. mrgreen