[ K . y . L . e . R . a . I . n ]
[ B ] a s i c [ I ] n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Kyle Rain
Nickname: Kyle
Age: 20
Birthday: 1st of Mars
Birth Place: [anywhere on the map but please add the continent and not all places are named so make it up]
Zodiac Years: [If you can't figure this out then i will do this for you]
Race: Harmonixer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Tears Of Blood, Healer
Number of years in service: Two years
Quote/s: ”If killing could be avoided, then it is best to do so. There is no need for everyone to damn themselves right away.”
Song: Glee - Defying Gravity (Kurt Solo)
[ A ] p p e a r a n c e [ D ] e t a i l s
Eye Colour: Left – Green | Right – Grey
Hair Colour: A mix of blue and purple
Weight: 62kg
Height: 165cm
Skin Colour: Pale
Build: Slim/thin/fit
A tattoo on his right arm, of an eye with the infinity symbol from one side of the iris, across the pupil to the other side of the iris.
Kyle has scars on both hands. There are three scars on his left hand and two on his right hand. They represent the known forms. On the left hand, the top one goes from the left side of the hand all the way to just between the index finger and thumb, just under the knuckles. The middle one is under the top one, but starts under the second knuckle, going across stopping under the forth knuckle. The bottom one is under the middle one, it starts from the left side of the hand to the right side of the knuckle. The scars do not cross over each other. It is the same on the right hand, but the bottom one is not there, and is the mirror image of the left hand. They represent the forms Kyle has.
Jewellery: Wears a camo print bandanna around his neck tied to the side (does not matter which)
Signature Item/Mark/Clothing/Pose:
Signature Item – A deck of Tarot Cards | Mark – Infinity symbol in a eye drawn on some kind of surface | Clothing – Bandana | Pose – Jumping up and down
Bed – Black T-shirt and sweat pants |
Fancy parties – A black waistcoat, bow-tie, white dress shirt, black slacks, black shoes |
World celebrations – A kimono of multiple colours, based on his other forms. |
Casual – A camo print bandanna tied around his neck to the side (does not matter which side), a plane black long sleeve shirt, a light brown belt across his shirt with sockets for vials, A brownie-red jacket with some rips on the forearms of the sleeves (containing a number of pockets), A light brown belt around his waist with a bag hanging off it, the bag is brown with two strings coming out of the top with silver balls at the end, the pants are brownie-black jeans with few rips in the legs mainly on the knees (they flare out at the bottom), the shoes are black combat boots most of which is hidden under the pants. |
Hair style – The right side of his hair drapes across from above the middle of the left eye to the right side of his face. This side of the hair is longer than the rest of the hair.
The left side drapes from above the middle of the left eye to the left side of the face. This side of the hair is half the length of the right side. The back is cut shorter than the left side, it is spiked all over the place.
The hair is a messy style, spiked at the back and rough and messy on both sides, this keeps it out of Kyle's eyes.
Appearance: Human form – [x] | Water Demon form – [x] | Ice Demon form – [x] | Wind Demon form – [x] | Fire Demon form – [x] | Earth Demon form – [x] | Unknown form – [x] Kyle’s sixth demon form is still unknown to him.
[ F ] i g h t i n g [ I ] n f o r m a t i o n
Weapon(s) of choice: A deck of Tarot Cards
Fighting Style: Aikido. A passive fighting style that uses minimal force. Is more of a defensive fighting style and is used to pin people, deflect or anything of the sort.
Weapon(s): The tarot cards Kyle uses were passed down from farther to son. They are very old cards, yet look like they have only been used once or twice. This is because of the care used for them. They are called the Revelations Tarot.
Chi: Water and Ice
Magic: Healing Magic – high –
Wateraga – high –
Blizzaraga – high –
Fira – mid – Fira is the next level up from Fire and can cause more damage than Fire. Like with Fire, trained uses can cast multiple fire balls once after another but damage would weaken.
Winra – mid –
Earthra – mid –
{Unknown} – {unknown} –
Skills: Alchemy – The ability to mix different combinations of plants and compounds to produce something of use. Wether it be a poison or a potion for a quick fix in health of a person, it can be made though alchemy. Alchemy uses different combinations of symbols depending on what it is needed to do. Alchemy is mainly used for medical purposes, but can be used in the battle field, but is preferred not to for time taking unless a plan had been made. The more skill one is at alchemy, the better they can produce something from compounds and plants, even to use against others.
Fortune Telling/Divination – The ability to foresee the future by many different means. Be through tarot, scrying, mirror or any other way. It can be used as a devise for tactical planing in the battle field, however the efficiency and accuracy depends on the persons ability to control it. If they are good at such skills, then most of the time their visions they see or read through the cards or see in the mirror or flames should be very accurate. Also though, it does depletes in efficiency if used too much in one day. Making the skill weaker.
Anything else: Kyle does have an extra magic type, but it is unknown to him. It matches to the unknown sixth form.
Each one of the types of magic Kyle knows can only be used in the representative form. However, water and ice magic can be also preformed in his human form due to his chi alignment.
[ P ] e r s o n a l i t y
- Hot green tea
- Books
- Helping out
- Apple and Blackcurrant juice
- Water (the element in general)
- Killing in general
- Being alone
- Watching unnecessary people die
- Sleeping
- People that enjoy killing people
- The Reaper
- Loss of his mind
Kyle is a unique Harmonixer. He is not like others through history or from common knowledge. He refuses to kill anyone, unless in dire situations, as in being surrounded or things of the like. However if he could find a way out of killing someone, he would do so. Kyle is a kind and sweet boy, always having a smile on his face and giving a hand when needed. He spends most of his time either in the medical bay, the library or his room practising his arts. Due to his kind nature, he tends to take form of his water form if needed, however his mood does affect what form is brought forth. This is why he tries to keep calm and happy 100% of the time, which is hard for a sleep deprived Harmonixer to do.
Kyle makes his own medicine for himself to deal with his sleep deprivation. He will only sleep once a month or twice every two months. The medicine he takes is a deadly mix of highly poisonousness plants if not made correctly. It also helps keep him calm and happy to an extent.
Kyle does have a temper problem, only to people that feel that they have a need to kill every single person in sight. Due to his problem, he tires to make it clear to everyone on his team when they go out on a mission to not kill people that don't need to be killed if possible, and if they kill people that don't need to be killed, he would deal with that person himself.
When Kyle is on a mission, he is very serious about what he does. He carries a medium sized bag that hangs off his belt that contains a large variate of chemicals, plants, powders and other substances that can be used in alchemy. Due to Kyle's race as a Harmonixer, he is only able to preform most of his magic skills under the representative form. So fire form with fire magic, earth form with earth magic and so on and so forth. However, water ice and healing magic can be preformed in his human form. Kyle does not depend on his healing magic to look after people, he believes that if there is a natural way to heal a wound or sickness, then that should be used first.
Kyle would always put other peoples safety before his own, so this is a reason for some of his drastic choices when on the field at times. He tires to befriend everyone, and will always greet people with a friendly smile, even if he is in an angry mood, he would just worn the person he is greeting that he is not in the best of moods right now. Kyle can be childish, depending on the person he is with, if it is someone he really likes as a friend, then he would act childish at the base. But if he is around someone he 'like likes' then he would be bashful and shy around them, screwing up his words and sometimes even his spells.
[ B ] i o
[it goes here, a least a paragraph but please remember you had to attend the training academy (any in the world, under the Tales of Thare home page), and minimal training is 5 years could be longer...so this must go here.]
[ E ] x t r a [ I ] n f o r m a t i o n
Since Kyle is a Harmonixer, the gods he worships are the Demon Gods, however he does not believe that they are the only gods. He respects other people beliefs and knows that the other gods do exist, like his own gods. Kyle does fear some of the gods/goddesses though.
RP Speech Colour: Violet
RP Thought Colour: Violet
Gaia Name: TheCheesecakeBandit
Your Time Zome: Australia - ACT/NSW/VIC - Standard Time Zone: GMT +10.00, DST in use +1 hour, Current Time Zone: GMT +11.00
{{Picture of Kyle Rain was drawn by janebellefontaine. Here is a link to her shop [x] Link to her Devian Art page for more examples can be found in her shop. Also, Kyle is now my baby, seeing not only is everything about him was from my head, but he now has a image that was thought up in my head, but drawn by Jane. So Kyle (c) Shaun 2009 (bite me)}}