
Laurent Aevumn
Age : 21
Role : Top General
]Kingdom : Kingdom of Su
Pets : An Arctic Fox named Shuu. Is white in the wintertime, and brown in summer. It generally follows him wherever he goes, though the creature is not exactly a pet, being bound to Laurent only out it's curious nature.
Likes : Training, reading, cleaning, walking around the city.
Dislikes : Misconduct, chaos, the ill-mannered, and most women he meets, though he's generally nice to them.
Hobbies : Laurent likes to train and fight above much else. He's known to read large volumes of text in different languages on occasion, and has a knack for keeping things orderly and close to perfect.
Fears : Love.
Bio : Laurent was raised in an old, traditional style of life, learning that hard work and effort to serve the most worthy cause was the only way to live one's life. His father was a close friend and personal guard of the King until he died saving the King's life when Laurent was ten. When he was 17, he fell in love with the daughter of one of the Navy Generals, only to suffer through her death during childbirth. The love was secret, and none know of it other than Laurent. He remains emotionally cold, remaining kept within his own realm while keeping every emotion out of reach. He's not thrilled in the slightest about the possibility of an arranged marriage between hijmself and a random woman of the Kingdom of Ren. He seperated himself from his feelings, and does not wish to even think about having a woman, who would most likely be some commoner and someone unworthy of him.
Puppet Master : AkaruiRain