Remeber Camp Chaos? Well, I joined Juvy.
I remember everybody... Isabella, Tobii...Athena... Glamorous....Animefanyea (not my sister, her name is Animefanyah xD) Kito....
Isabella, Glamorous,.Animefanyea, Tobii, Athena....My best buds in the Juvy dorm....
Doc picked on Athena first. Our Juvy dorm was Girls ONLY, but our counsler, Doc, was a boy.
We hated him. We beat on him...We tried to kill him. Finally, we did.
We dumped his body in the lake. I think we fed someone to the fat kids at fitness camp..I think it was a cop. Well...I miss them. We hardly see each other anymore...I remember so much.......But....I MISS THEM!

I'm in the middle, on the trampoline (yes, I had white hair then).
Isabella is sitting on a top bunk with her legs hanging off the side, Mono the skunk plushie on the bed too, with a pencil. (Her main weapon was a pencil, Oh, Isabella!)
Athena is standing by Isabella, on the ground. She's wearing a witchling dress.
Lazy boy...! Ah, him. (I'll put everyones user on the bottom who are my friend from Juvy). He was kind of a troublemaker. We didn't like him at first, but then we warmed up to him. He's the boy with black hair with a gun in his hand, all in black and standing over a body outline.
Tobii and Animefanyea are right next to each other. They're not too far from Lazy. Tobii has blue, curly hair and is in all blue cloths. Animefanyea is dark blue (maybe?) hair, it's spiky and is holding a beer bottle. She's across from Tobii.
Ah, lilli... She is the one that looks like a ROBOT! Not that hard to miss. Right next to her is Kito. He hated Doc as well. The boy in lab coat, with bamboo sticks behind him in the geeky science kid from science camp. He always showed up talking his geeky words, talking about stuff no one cared about. We hated him, but he was apart of the family...I MISS THEM ALL!
There is picture of Doc by the door. There is a desk under the picture. That IS Really Doc. He has a knife and pencil in his face xD.
We always had a game.
A picture of Doc was on his office, and sometimes we'd get up on a top bunk and throw knives at the picture.
Juvy was CRAZY! our bunk was called Girls D Bunk.
We killed a BUNCH of richies. We hated their guts.
We had a forest full of rotting bodies of richies.
Most where on the ground, some where hanging from trees.
We also stole whatever we needed. Food, blankets/Etc;
You name it. We killed, we stole, we tortured.
Those where the good days. There was something in our Mess hall.
It attacked me, but my friends came and helped me. It was freaky, but my girls had my back. Cops camp A LOT! But we just killed them, too.
I really miss them...................
Juvy Friends:
(Main Friends)