Name: Derde
Race: Angel (Fallen)
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 95 lbs
History: Derde was once a great guardian angel. She protected the highest of kings, queens, and royalty. This was until one day she met a demon. Lust took her and she was taken by the powerful demon. So ashamed of herself she confessed herself to the Court of Angels. They were enraged and disgusted by her treachery but could not bring themselves to destroy something so beautiful. So they banished her to earth and ripped her wings from her. There on earth Derde would suffer forever for her sin.
 ((Front view (ignore the wings).)) 
Name: Ruan
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150 lbs
History: Ruan, being the half-brother of Naya, grew up with her in their human home with their mother and his father. It wasn't a happy home. Ruan's father, Demitri was extremely abusive and usually took it out on Naya. Ruan would try to protect her best he could but he was only a child then. He and Naya had a very special bond and with every day that passed he grew to hate his father. One day, their home was attacked by vampires. They killed Ruan's mother and turned Ruan and Demitri. Naya was nowhere to be found. Ruan guessed that the vampires had taken her to kill later and fell into a deep depression. Demitri came into some money and bought himself and Ruan a mansion. Demitri only stayed with him for a few months before he left. He figured that he'd spend the rest of his life looking for his sister even though he had doubts he'd find her. After asking around, he'd began to have hope. People had seen a small girl wandering around but she wasn't alone. She was accompanied by a dog demon she called 'Hayku'. After many years, he finally found her and was accepted into her diverse family.
 ((Photo of Naya and Ruan as children.)) 
Name: Galatea
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Age: unknown
(Child / Adult) Height: 4'6" / 5'2"
Weight: 98 / 120 lbs
History: Galatea has always tried to make the best of a terrible situation. She was born in the headquarters of a vicious group of werewolves and vampires and used as a feeder because of her unique, demon biology. She was also used for other vile pleasures from a very young age. Spending her life in a cold cell has stunted her cognitive abilities. She is very skittish and has a hard time speaking English fluidly though she can speak an instinctive demonic language well. She is also very easily influenced. Because she lived deprived life, she will jump at any offering of food, water, or kindness without thinking of consequences first. Somehow, though, even after all she's been through, she manages to keep a smile on her face from time to time. She has a very gentle disposition and looks to please others before herself.
 ((Older Version)) 
xXDeaOfBellumXx_RP · Sun Nov 15, 2009 @ 06:27am · 0 Comments |