The world is filled with death and disappear and we as children are supposed to learn to live with it.To deal with all things unhappy or heart-breaking with a strong face and chin held high.
And that, my friends, is the biggest load of bull-s**t ever.
Crying is a show of emotion. But, as children the previously stated belief says it wants us to be heartless unrecognizable beasts with no conscience. If that took hold of the world and no one cried or cared or lived enough to experience those things the world would be turned upside down and burned to the ground.
That is my message for today if you read this please with all of your power think about this.Show the ones around you that its okay to show emotion.Show the ones you love its okay to let people see it.
Tell them.Let them know that the world is held up by few things.And those things must be balanced.Emotion is one of those.Don't let the other things over run you and make you forget that one true fact. That m friends is the only thing I really and truly know is true.
That may have not made the slightest sense to you at all but if it did thank you for reading.
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