Name: Lourdes 'Lu/Lulu/Lulubell' Lioue
Age: Appears early twenties~.
Gender: Male
Appearence: Shaggy black hair with green streaks/tips (whichever you feel like doing). Large bags under eyes. Electric blue eyes. Very tall, very thin. Wears alot of black.
Piercings: Snakebites and lots of eyeliner. Eye brow piercings on right eyebrow and many ear piercings. Two nose piercings. One tounge piercing.
Clothing: Lourdes likes trench coats, collars, scarfs, black, skinny jeans, combat boots/hight tops/converse like shoes, stripes.
Artistic freedom is encouraged. ...I'd love you forever if you drew him in a tutu. > n >
Small Bio: General Lioue's son, he was kidnapped by Aralee as she escaped from the war base in Oken. He has an obssesion with marionettes and human marionettes, has the odd ability to cause people pain without knowing hes doing it. Pyromaniac. Fire Tuner. Clings to Aralee likes shes his Mummy. Sits weird/stands hunched. Has a plushie given from Aralee made from an assortment of human eyes, teeth, skin, and hair.
References: -Ironii