Jaymie.Katarina Di Leva.Von Helson
"Divinity dwells in each of us,
and carries with it a fierce longing to burn in the fire of truth,
Till nothing else remains."
and carries with it a fierce longing to burn in the fire of truth,
Till nothing else remains."
☤ xxxxxxxxxxYou want to know about me?
- ●You should know I'm a●
warm hearted Scientist
●I'd like to be called●
Jay-Jay or Mr. Von Helson if you please.
●Don't get in my pants! It's clear to see I'm a●
●I've been on this Earth for a long time●
I've been 21 for over 2 months
●If I send a card to someone, it would go to●
Someone I find interesting, to me it doesn't matter on the gender, it matters of the heart of a being.
●Hey Baby, let me show you around●
Don't let my innonance fool you, I am a Chibi Seme.
●If someone sends me a card, I'd expect it on●
Febuary 14th...I think.
●I have problems●
Well before I worked here, I was an assistant nurse, yes nurse so don't make fun of me. I had worked with childeren and that's mostly why I'm such a softy, so in other words I care about everyone, I always have a soft spot for anyone, no matter what. I forgive you.
❣ xxxxxxxxxxAre you sure you wanna know more?
- ●Most people call me●
The prince of your dreams, well that's what my label was back in highschool and college. I guess since I have such a compassionate heart, charming looks, I suppose, many looked up to me as a 'Prince', soon people respected me for not just my looks, but also because I never seemed to stop helping others out. Call me a crazy help-maniac if you want but that's just who I am, I can be clueless I know! And...a bit, clumsy but hey c'mon, cut me some slack.Though, many of people say I am brave, which in a way I can find it true, I never want to be the person who gives up and cringes from behind, no....I want be the one who there for someone, always.
●Get those things the hell away from me!●
My fear is blood, I can't stand to see it, I know I want to be a scientist and all that, but...I can't control myself with the sight of blood, I soon start to go a bit...crazy...and sometimes I see blood stains on my body, though they may or may not be on me, I start to get frantic and if I must I will rub it off my skin by doing whatever it takes.
●These things make me want to hurl●
First of all please don't give me any chocolates or anything dairy I'm lactose intolerance, I really hate slobs even thoug I don't say it but I perfer being organized, another things is I truly hate violence, it just really does no good for me, and lastly please DO NOT TOUCH MY STUFF!...Thank you
●I just can't get enough●
I love fruit, fruit smoothy but my favorite fruit is MELON! Even the color melon, the look of melon, yes I am addicted to melon! I love people who are themselves, none of this acting and all, someone who can be themselves, is truly someone beautiful in my eyes, also I hate to admit it but, I do like to read manga books, Yaoi is counted, I don't know but to me Yaoi is just too funny!
●My Species is My Own●
Of course I am human what did you think I was some alien from star trek? Haha, funny!
☣ xxxxxxxxxxCareful, my past is strictly a biohazard.
- ●I guess I could tell you a little bit...●
Once upon a time, that's how I thought my beggining would sound like. As if it came from a book of fairy tale and fantasy, I come to find out that I was horribly wrong, and now I understand why I had fancy Fairytales and Fantasy's over Reality, because reality is a nightmare.
My family are
●I got to this place about●
How long have you been here?