Its Autumn, October. So cold and alone that I'am.
So empty inside as I walked to the bench, the blood, soft colored leaves fall, as a soft mist looms above me. I sit down, Sighing softly, Asking myself...Why? Why is he doing it again?
I shook my head, to think clearly. But all I feel.....All I Get is anger. And dark sadness I cannot control.
I wanted to scream, I Wanted to curse to the heavens far from this cruel world.
I dated so many, I love very few. He was by far the closes to my heart. I loved him, Yet he continued to go behind my back making small plans, thinking I wouldn't care for him.
Yes.....He did so, upsetting my family, my callous beautiful sister. Who's there when I need her the most.
I tilted my head down, tears pour from my eyes, They turn into the smothering dark brown red color. I don't know why they turn that color, They just do.
I stared at the puddle of my reflection from last night rain. I could see myself so clear, So sad, So upset. My fist clench in my lap, My sadden stare turn that of an angry one.
My hair spilled over my shoulders, With a shaky breath I spoke.
" No more............."
Taking the knife out from my jacket, I plunged it into my heart. I fell forward, laying there, dieing with the essence of life that kept me young and alive for years I grew.
I was dieing here. only so young, getting ready for the world, but now I laid. in the leaves and soft rain drops falling. I looked to the skies, tears fading away, my vision blurred. I smiled wryly and closed my eyes, My last breath coming so quick, I wouldn't miss him, for he had hurt me...I felt nothing but the emptiness.....
Yes...This was my time.
With the last breath, My body went limp, for I was nothing more but dead.
So empty inside as I walked to the bench, the blood, soft colored leaves fall, as a soft mist looms above me. I sit down, Sighing softly, Asking myself...Why? Why is he doing it again?
I shook my head, to think clearly. But all I feel.....All I Get is anger. And dark sadness I cannot control.
I wanted to scream, I Wanted to curse to the heavens far from this cruel world.
I dated so many, I love very few. He was by far the closes to my heart. I loved him, Yet he continued to go behind my back making small plans, thinking I wouldn't care for him.
Yes.....He did so, upsetting my family, my callous beautiful sister. Who's there when I need her the most.
I tilted my head down, tears pour from my eyes, They turn into the smothering dark brown red color. I don't know why they turn that color, They just do.
I stared at the puddle of my reflection from last night rain. I could see myself so clear, So sad, So upset. My fist clench in my lap, My sadden stare turn that of an angry one.
My hair spilled over my shoulders, With a shaky breath I spoke.
" No more............."
Taking the knife out from my jacket, I plunged it into my heart. I fell forward, laying there, dieing with the essence of life that kept me young and alive for years I grew.
I was dieing here. only so young, getting ready for the world, but now I laid. in the leaves and soft rain drops falling. I looked to the skies, tears fading away, my vision blurred. I smiled wryly and closed my eyes, My last breath coming so quick, I wouldn't miss him, for he had hurt me...I felt nothing but the emptiness.....
Yes...This was my time.
With the last breath, My body went limp, for I was nothing more but dead.