when i was little i had this stuffed panda.his name was sam. it was sam because that was what i named all my boy stuffies. (the girls where tiffany) sam bear, sam curly bear, sam black bear ,sam rainbow bear and so on. i was such a genious. well, anyway i have this shelf that holds all my stuffies. when i look at there fuzzy little faces i can see there soul behind there eyes. so i have apporoximately one trillion billion thousand stuffies. so last night i was looking up at this shelf and i saw...sam dirty panda!! i missed him so much!! so i stood on my bed and balanced one foot on the headboard and streeetched way upto reach sam dirty panda. i grabbed him by the nose and pulled him out. the only reason i could actually reach sam panda is because he was a on the bottom.the very bottom. the very veeeeeeery bottom. what happens after this could only be called an...erm...avalanche.this surprised me so much, i slipped off the bed and fell on the floor. thousands of stuffies fell on top of me, clawing at my eyes, chewing on my pj shirt and peeing on the carpet. oh no! in all the confusion i lost sam panda!! i scrabbled around desperately in the dirt (what dirt?) and when i couldnt find him, i burst into tears.the old lady downstairs bangs on the ceiling with somethin (butt of a rifle?) and hollers "shut up, you mechugana! go to sleep!". i grab the nearest stuffie (sam lion that-i-stole-from-the-neighbor-kid-in-second-grade)and crawl into bed sinffling gently.
no, my mom in the room right next door did not wake up. but boy was she shocked to see a pile of stuffies reaching up to the ceiling in my room the next morning.
*sniff* i still cant find sam panda.
p.s. EVERYONE WHO READS BLEACH look forward to an exciting new installment (in my journal) coming soon to theaters!! first in the spotlight, keigo asano and mizuiro...whatever his last name is!!
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Mr. Journal
obviously, its a journal. just my thoughts and weird things that happen to me
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kenpachi sama!!