Birthday: 5/4/93
Birthplace: California USA
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Auburn
Height: 5"5 - 5'6
Weight: O_o none of your business
Right handed or Left handed?: Right
Your Heritage: Italian mainly. Also a little Hispanic
My Worst Habit: Procrastinating
Zodiac Sign: Taurus (real) Scorpio (DOA)
Eastern Zodiac sign: Rooster
Shoe Size:: 8 1/2- 9
Pants Size::O_o again none of your business
Innie or Outie?: O_O
Parents Still Together?: No unfortunatley
The Shoes You Wore Today: Giraffe print ballet flats
Your Weakness: Sincere Chivalry <3
Your Fears: Being used and betrayed again
Your Perfect Pizza: Supreme
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: ^^ Draw an amazing picture
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: EPIC FAIL
Thoughts First Waking Up: Not again....
Your Best Physical Feature: Breasts
Your Bedtime: When the sun comes up
Your Most Missed Memory: Koji and I singing random songs together under the stars
Favorite color?:Magenta and Aquamarine
Food?: Sushi!!! ^^
Sport?:Bleh! sports suck!
Animal?: :3 Fox
Ice Cream?: Mint Chocolate chip, or Cherry Garcia
Candy?: Reeses peanut butter cups
Store?: Barnes and Noble
Salad Dressing?: Italian or Ranch
Actor?: :3 anyone who is funny
Song?: Faith by Hyde ^^
Letter?: A of course~
Number?: 4
Gum?: Grape! ^^
Holiday?: Christmas
Season?: Winter
Toothpaste Flavor?: Minty-fresh!
Radio Station?: D: radio is lame
Perfume?: Cotton Candy body mist
Scent besides perfume?: Bleach
Body part on the opposite sex?: Collarbone and Hands
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A writer or an artist
How Do You Want To Die?: With no regrets
Turn ons: Romance, Chivalry, Sensitivity, Emotions, Frailty, passion, dark hair, watchfull eyes, light skin, soft voice, good fashion sense, suits, ties, long hair
Turn offs: Hypocrites, Philanderers, Posers, peircings, cocky, short hair, brown hair, bad fashion, stains, loudness, rudeness
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Koji ^^
Who's The Loudest?: Tawny
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Tawny
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Koji
Who's The Shyist?: Celeste
When Have You Cried The Most?: .......
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Acceptance and admiration
Worst Feeling?: Anger
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Seattle....or a private island ^^
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: my personality
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: o_o errrr...maybe 30? xD
Let's walk on the: Moon!
Let's look at the: Stars~
What a nice: Drawing!
Where did all the: Real men go?
Why can't we: live to the fullest?
Silly, little: Munchkin ^^
Isn't it weird that: we can dream?
Never under any circumstance: Will I sleep with you
I wish: for more wishes ^^
Everyone has a: p***s? XDDDDD
I am: Awesome-sauce 8D
Been In Love?: Perhaps
Been To Juvie?: No way! D:
Mooned Someone?: O_o ewww no.
Been Rejected?: No
Ran Away From Home?: Yes
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: o_O uhhhh
Skipped School?: xD maybe~
Thought About Suicide?: .......
Slept Outside?: Heck yes!
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: xD Of course!
Cried In School?: o____o maybe.
Thrown Up In School?: No
Wanted To Be a Model?: EWWW NO
Cheated On Someone?: Never. Never. Never.
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: 8D
Seen A Dead Body?: yes
Been Bitched Out?: o_O noes
Drank Alcohol?: Nope! ^^
Smoked?: D:< HECK NO
Been On Drugs?: Of course not! who do you think I am?!?!
Been On Stage?: Yeppers
Gone Skinny Dipping?: O_O ehhh no
Shoplifted?: *shifty eyes*
Been Drunk?: D:< NO
Been Called A Tease?: No
Been Beaten Up?: No
Swear?: Not usually
Sing Well?: 8D Kinda
Shower Daily?: O_o maybe... XD
Want To Go To College?: Yep
Want To Get Married?: Yes! ^^
Believe In Yourself?: D: not really....
Get Motion Sickness?: Nope
Think You Are Attractive?: >.> I dunno.....
Get Along With Your Parents?: Kinda
Like Thunderstorms?: YES!
Play An Instrument?: D: noes
Own An IPOD?: ^^ Does a Zune count?
Pray?: Nope. waste of time. Only you can make your dreams happen.
Go To Church?: I used to
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: 8D How did you know?!
Keep A Journal/Diary?: Yep ^^
Dance In The Rain?: HECK YES! xD
Sing In The Shower?: O_o if no one can hear me
Pepsi or Coke?: Dr. Pepper! 8D
McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonalds
Single or Group Dates?: Single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate is the bestest flavor ever!!!
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries!!!
Meat or Veggies?: M E A T.
TV or Movie?: ^^ Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Drums
Adidas or Nike?: D: both are fail
Chinese or Mexican?: CHINESE!!! ^^ .....or japanese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: xD Lucky Charms!
Cake or Pie?: Pie!
MTV or VH1?: D: both are fail
Blind or Deaf?: blind
Boxers or Briefs?: 8D granny panties?!?! XDDD just kidding!
Do The Splits?: D: heck no
Write With Both Hands?: >.> maybe on a tuesday
Whistle?: D: I FAIL
Blow A Bubble?: Yes!
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: Yes!
Cross Your Eyes?: YES!
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Yes!
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: D: noes
Dance?: D: I am an EPIC FAILURE at dancing
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: D:< HECK NO
You Touched: ^^
You Talked To On The Phone: Koji ^^
You Instant Messaged:Koji
You Hugged: Koji
You Yelled At: D:< TREVOR
You Played A Sport With: >.> never
Time You Laughed?: *dies laughing*
Time You Cried?: A long long time ago
Movie You Watched?: The Time Travelers Wife
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Hubba Bubba Sweet & Sassy Cherry
Joke You Told?: Yo mamma is so fat, even Naruto can't "Believe it!" XD
Song You've Sung?: The one star (twewy)
Where Are You?: o_o where you least expect it
What Can You See Out Your Window?: :3 moonlight
Are You Listening To Music?: ^^ Yes!
What Are You Wearing?: 8D nothing! XDD (joking)
What's On Your Mousepad?: O_o WTF who has mousepads anymore?
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Meh
Do you believe in miracles?: Only if you make them
Magic?: Sure why not >.>
Love at first sight?: D:< HELL NO
God?: Meh
Satan?: >.> errr... no
Ghosts?: NO
Santa?: NO
Evolution?: >.> maybe for pokemon
IN A Guy...
Fav Eye Color: Green
Fav Hair Color: Black
Short or Long Hair: longish.... About to chin/shoulders is cute ^^
Height: Tall
Weight: Doesn't matter to me
Best Clothing Style: Expensive suit or a stylish button-down shirt and black jeans with a tie 8D (I like ties ok! XD)
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Italy and Japan
Number Of CD's I Own: >.>
Your Good Luck Charm: Koji ^^
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2 or 3
Do you drink milk?: Every day! ^^
Person You Hate Most: D:< PARIS HILTON and TWIGY
Most Outdated Phrase: That is totally gnarly dude! 8D
Do you think God has a gender?: >.> Well a "god" is a male and a "godess" is a Duh
Where do you think we go when we die?: Into your dreams
How many rings until you answer the phone?: I don't bother with answering the phone
What is something scientists need to invent?: 8D completely virtual video-games
Are you a health freak?: heck no
Are you a virgin?: >.> Like I would tell you that
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: D:< DUMB QUESTION.
What is the worst weather?: SUN
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: HECK YES!! XD
How many grades have you failed?: :O you don't want to know XD just kidding
Some (unimportant) Info About Me

Well here is the general stuff....
I am 16 years old from Day of Birth, I am 3 years old from Day of Awakening.
You most likely won't know this, but a Day of Awakening is the day in which you learn to stand on your own two feet and think as an individual. It is part of a very unique "culture" that I live in. My DOA, or Day of Awakening is November 16th, my DOB, Day of Birth is May 4th.
I live in sunny California, which I am not fond of in the slightest. Too much pollution, immigrants, and low-lives living in Southern Cali where I live. Northern Cali is much nicer, and there, it actually snows and real trees grow. >.> Not where I live though. If I could choose anywhere in the world to live I think I would choose either Washington or Connecticut. Those art two beautiful states full of green landscapes and rich history ♥
I am currently an 3rd year in high school (AKA 11th grade). I don't attend the usual kind of school though, instead I am on a program called independent study. It allows me the luxury of learning at my own pace, anyway from all the idiocy of standard public school. It also gives me the much needed free-time to make lovely arts for all my wonderful customers ♥
I am pretty much a shy and reserved kind of person. Though I am allot more eccentric on the internet it is still apparent. I am not one to talk about my personal business of family issues, I don't feel the need to complain to others about matters that do not consern them. I also DO NOT like to hear other people whine about their own idiocy. For example, one of my pet peeves is when some idiotic 15 year old complains about getting pregnant even though she very well knew the risks of her physical choices. It is the most retarded thing I've ever heard, and really, when I hear crap like this, I just want to slap those people across the face and tell them to grow up. I and very oppinionated and I really don't care if I hurt your feelings. I really don't. At least not if you are one of those idiots that refuse to see another persons point of view because your too stuck in your own. I also like to think that I have self respect and class. I don't burp in public, I allways cover my nose while sneezing, I don't let my underwear show outside of my pants(I REALLY HATE THAT) and I most certainly do NOT sleep around. I am quite honestly proud to be a respectful lady. And all you people who do tastless things without even thinking of your actions, you are non existant to me. Plain and simple. I do not accosiate with people such as that under any circumstance.
Now onto me as an artist!~
No doubt my favorite hobby would be drawing. I've been an "artist" since I was a first grader. Whenever I have a bit of free-time you can bet i'll be sketching. Im one of those people who draw on the paper place-mats at restaurants while waiting for my food. xD
I started liking anime/manga art around 7th grade, and ever since then I have been obsessed with it. I have never had much interest in any other forms of art ever since then. The first manga that got me inspired to draw was Fruits Basket. Still to this day I have such a love for that series. I am not up to date on it right now, but it will allways have a special place in my heart, even if Im not an uberfan who has memorized every little detail. Anyway, when I originally started getting into drawing anime, I had the full intention to draw in the traditional style you see in Fruits Basket. You know, the overly slender, big eyed anime that most people associate with manga. However, it was pretty obvious that that style did not suit me at all.
By mid- 9th grade I started developing my drawing skills seriously. This was when I first started to draw a picture every day, to practice anatomy, and sketch correctly. I had allways loved the cute big anime eyes, but when I drew, they allways came out looking small and serious. Still to this day I do that. Early on when I was discovering my own style, I realized I was more attracted to the semi-realism anime style. And that is what I have been working towards even now.
I guess it was hard for me to give up the adorable traditional anime style I had wanted to learn so badly, but the way I see it, I have all the time in the world to learn as many things about art as possible. Though I will admit, to some people, my art shouldn't even be considered "art", and hey, maybe they are right. But I do know that I improve each day. I know that the more I draw the more I get comments like " I love this" And " Your amazing!". I know that art is subjective, and different for everyone. I also know that no matter how "bad" at drawing you may be now, if you put your mind to it you will undoubtedly get better. So you can say what I do is not "art", thats fine with me. Because I know that someone, somewhere will see my creations for what they are and for the passion I put in them. And that, in itself, is enough for me.
As far as my inspiration for my art goes, I would have to say that it is life. No other word could describe it any better. The way I see it, you can only become a better artist through growth, and you can only grow by living, and you can only live by seeing, hearing, and touching everything around you. And this doesn't just apply to drawing a tree. I mean you need to use the knowledge you have of space, feelings, color, texture, emotions, sounds, everything- to create wonderful works of art. What I think people don't realize, is that art is not just movements of the hand, it is your very life being spilled onto blank pages to show the world who you are. If you only draw because you want to get better, or be the best, you will ultimately fail. You must first give something to your art. Like an emotion, lets say sadness for example. Think of this, when you are at your low points and you have no one to comfort you but your pencil and paper, you draw to pour those negative feelings out of your life and onto the paper to absorb and become art. And usually, though the art may be sad or remind you or troubled times, you will find that that creation you just made is one of your best pieces. That is because you have given part of who you are to your art, and in return it becomes your own personal masterpiece.
So, in a nutshell, the best way to find inspiration is to use what you know, or how you feel as the basis of whatever you are trying to draw. Of course, what do I know. Im just a 16 year old who doesn't have nearly a speck of talent compared to some. This is just my viewpoint and what works well for me, you can choose to listen or you can ignore advise that may be beneficial. Whatever floats your boat, right?