I kinda want to baby-sit over here but not really. I dunno.
I hate thinking about getting older cause I really have changed quite a lot. I used to be so impulsive and wild. I was flat out crazy. I smile down at what I used to be but think I am above what I used to be. I know that's not true. If something were to happen, maybe I could go back, then again maybe not. I wonder why I changed....
You know, looking back while playing KH: Com, I really think Axel and Teej share a lot. They're manipulative, pretty, outgoing, ambitious, caring, vengeful, powerful but also weak. Lawlz. Just think about it for a bit. That's my one thought of Teej that randomly popped into my head. Other than that, I've really forgotten about her. I don't miss her or cry ever. The one time I cried was at volleyball and it was for like two minutes. It was like right after it happened though. I think I'm offically over it. Lawlz.
Dude, I've been very good about not stalking or wishing to be back with people these days. I remember pining over Alexis for the longest time, wishing to be friends again. I never did that with Teej or Kitsua. Sure, I need to use their real names but I don't wanna type it out... they're long. Alexis's name is short so it's okay to type out... Lawlz. Lazy a** typer I am.
Today's Question came from this morning's conversation with my roomie about my sleep talking, which I have been doing a lot lately:
Which sleepover memory with me is your favorite? What made it so speical or fun for you?