heh.....ive heard her gasp in pain when we get back to our room (sighs)
Just like me eh?
I guess im going back sunday nights now because last time when I was brought back monday morning, I fell asleep for a sec in class and got 2 demerits....
I refuse to get any more, even if I hurt myself preventing from getting demerits..
Monday thru Friday....lots of studying.
Tuesday, we got Gas'd....OC gas...I wont even try to attempt to spell out what that OC is....was it CS or OC? One was made from lots of peppers capasin.
It was bad, I got the worst amount. I came close to collapsing. I had an asthma attack. Thank god I had my inhaler with me.
Thursday we did more PT/DT...it was scheduled for Tuesday so we did some both days. (sighs)
Lets see...what else.
Tell em how you got injured Michelle.
What the hell! I though you were ko'd!
I was.
Alright. This was Friday
I got injured by marching and trying to excute a Military style turn and I slipped on water and landed on hard concreate, I saw both my ankels were behind me, not good. I still had to walk! I forced myself back up and gritted my teeth and bared it. The pain was excrusiating. I got back to my dorm and got ice on it for a few minutes to stop the pain for a few minutes till my mom got there to pick me up like she does every friday. I rested for a hour and a half on the trip home and it stopped hurting for a bit then when I walked, pain.
Oh well, I need to take a hot bath tonight with Epson Salts again....
Hey tell them about Sailor Moon and how you made me one of them once.
Hey! That was ancient! Like 6 years ago.
So? Aww comon, you dont wanna remember Nick and I dont wanna remember Drake.
Fine. I'll spill.
I used to give her the golden cresent moon on her forehead.
Anyway, I met someone new, shes only 3 hours from where I live, and we like Sailor Moon. Tehehehe. Its been ages but im still addicted.
I think they stole Magical Girl from that series.
Me too.

but yeah. Im ok....living at least
Had to clean out my grandmom's storage place at her old house back at Oak Harbor...put it like this, many ghosts, my late step grandfather and a old dog.
The dog came home with us....long story if you dont know about ghosts.....I got pictures of them both......mind you this was taken a year before I was born!

Grandpa Lloyd and Razor.
Well thats mine and Kalena's spill for the week. Please comment!