Artists/Join N.A. forms
These are our joined Artists [so far] that have joined Natsu Ame, and everything you need to know about them!
[Any art types/medium in BOLD is considered the artist's favorite styles.]
Mediums; Colored pencil, Graphite pencil,
Art Types; Headshot, Waistshot, Full-body, Chibi, Animals. Don't like; Couples
A. [x] Chibi colored pencil
B. [x] Full body graphite pencil.
C. [x] Full body colored pencil w/ background.
5+[if needed]
Requesting to join N.A.?
In requesting to join shop, please fill out this short skeleton below so I may add you here :3 Fill the spaces lined with *[directions will be here]* Also please bold anything you type in the Art Types or Mediums sections that you consider a favorite of yours to do. PM me if you have any questions. When you are done with this, send it to me ;D
[b]Username;[/b] *[username here]*
[u]Mediums;[/u] *[colored pencil, graphite, pen, marker, watercolor, anything not digital]*
[u]Art Types;[/u] *Headshots, Waistshots, Full-body, Chibi, Animals, Couples, Up-shots. [tell me if you have something else you can do.] Don't like; [what do you not like drawing; couples, sexy, ect. Detail here is fine.]*
[u]Samples;[/u] [three, varied if possible]
A. [url=*here*][x][/url] *Art type, medium used. [EX. Waist shot, markers.]*
B. [url=*here*][x][/url] * *
C. [url=*here*][x][/url] * *