Username ; v-II-Riiko-II-v Name ; Nathanial Ricci Age ; Eighteen Nationality ; Japanese/British Race ; Black Panther Problem ; Insomniac, smoking addict, dangerous hunter, and grows extremely pissed off if he has not had a meal in a while. Height ; 6'2" Weight ; 172 lb Family ; Father and Elder step-brother Biography ; The life of Nathanial Ricci is not one to be most proud of, the reason he rarely brings it forth in conversation. In fact, most rarely realizes his lineage... The Panther tribe. A race of individuals who have the ability to shape their inner molecular structure into that of panther form. Normally, they do not venture into human or any other race's lands, however, one man and his young son did so, after the father was banished for killing his wife. It was in the human world, specifically in British borders when Nathanial was concieved, to a human mother. His mother did not tell the man or his son, and hid it well until his birth. That..however, was well after the man had taken her as his new wife.
The night of his birth the man became his father, though loathed Nathanial from the very beginning. Not only because his mother had not told him of her pregnancy, but of his genetic mutation. On the naked eye Nathanial seemed like a normal human, though he was not human. Nor was he like that of the Panther tribe. He was a crossbreed, a mixture..a freak, or so spoken by his father. Much unlike others he could only turn into a panther during the night, which had its disadvantages such as insomnia. There was also the ordeal of him having another small 'mutation'. Kahn. A black kitten, which seemed to be with Nathanial from birth. Likes ; Darkness/night Meat Cats Silence Observing people while they sleep Khan Passed away Mother Dislikes ; Sleeping Loud noises Conversing with certain individuals Elder Step-Brother Father Authority figures Crush ; No one at the moment.. Dorm Number ; A4 Appearance ; A face to the name