I went near a cave and I saw a white fox with its cubs.It reminded me of my family. I thought it was pretty odd, a white fox, in a cave, in the summer. It glances up at me, staring,with curiosity. It slowly gets up and walks up to me. As it walked into the sunlight, I notice it had a backpack on. It was a bulgy one too. It went close up to my legs, and looked at me one last time,this time with a sparkle in its eye. The backpack fell off its back. It looked at me once more and it seemed to have a funny look in its eyes. As the eyes of " Trust " . It ran back into the cave with its cubs, and left the backpack behind. I stood there glaring at this mysterious gift from the fox.It was like a blameless child smiling upon me.I couldn't resist.So I toke the backpack to a nearby river. I open the backpack with amazement. I see a bunch of glowing stones. I put them in a stash in my room, as I got home. A while later I forget about the stones. One day my closet started to glow faintly. I opened the door and I saw a pack of white wolves. I returned them to the cave and as the mother wolf saw me put them down, she accepted them, as her own children.