HeyHeyHeyy Gaians,
Well, I was so bored today (and still am =P) so I decided to surf around forums and I found this awsome thread. People tried to get all of the colors you could post:
[color: ......
pink, lightpink, palevioletred, hotpink, deeppink, red, tomato, crimson, firebrick, indianred
darkred, maroon, brown, sienna, saddlebrown, rosybrown, tan, darkkhaki, BurlyWood, chocolate, peru, darkgoldenrod
lightcoral, coral, lightsalmon, salmon, darksalmon,
orangered, darkorange, orange, sandybrown, goldenrod, khaki, gold, yellow
greenyellow, lightgreen, lawngreen, chartreuse, lime, springgreen, mediumspringgreen,
limegreen, green, forestgreen, darkgreen,
seagreen, mediumseagreen, darkseagreen,
olive, olivedrab, darkolivegreen
azure, aliceblue, lightcyan, paleturquoise, lightblue, lightsteelblue, powderblue, cyan, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, lightskyblue, skyblue, mediumaquamarine,
mediumturquoise, darkturquoise, deepskyblue, cadetblue, cornflowerblue, steelblue, slateblue, mediumslateblue,royalblue, dodgerblue, lightseagreen, teal,darkcyan, blue, mediumblue,darkslateblue, navy, darkblue, midnightblue
indigo, blueviolet, mediumpurple, mediumorchid, purple, darkmagenta, darkviolet, darkorchid, lavender, thistle, plum, violet, orchid, magenta, fuchsia, mediumvioletred
darkslategray, dimgray, gray, slategray, darkgray, silver
You have to admit, that is awsome. You could maybe use these. Or if you find any other colors you could comment them so I could add them to my list <3!
Well, I was so bored today (and still am =P) so I decided to surf around forums and I found this awsome thread. People tried to get all of the colors you could post:
[color: ......
pink, lightpink, palevioletred, hotpink, deeppink, red, tomato, crimson, firebrick, indianred
darkred, maroon, brown, sienna, saddlebrown, rosybrown, tan, darkkhaki, BurlyWood, chocolate, peru, darkgoldenrod
lightcoral, coral, lightsalmon, salmon, darksalmon,
orangered, darkorange, orange, sandybrown, goldenrod, khaki, gold, yellow
greenyellow, lightgreen, lawngreen, chartreuse, lime, springgreen, mediumspringgreen,
limegreen, green, forestgreen, darkgreen,
seagreen, mediumseagreen, darkseagreen,
olive, olivedrab, darkolivegreen
azure, aliceblue, lightcyan, paleturquoise, lightblue, lightsteelblue, powderblue, cyan, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, lightskyblue, skyblue, mediumaquamarine,
mediumturquoise, darkturquoise, deepskyblue, cadetblue, cornflowerblue, steelblue, slateblue, mediumslateblue,royalblue, dodgerblue, lightseagreen, teal,darkcyan, blue, mediumblue,darkslateblue, navy, darkblue, midnightblue
indigo, blueviolet, mediumpurple, mediumorchid, purple, darkmagenta, darkviolet, darkorchid, lavender, thistle, plum, violet, orchid, magenta, fuchsia, mediumvioletred
darkslategray, dimgray, gray, slategray, darkgray, silver
You have to admit, that is awsome. You could maybe use these. Or if you find any other colors you could comment them so I could add them to my list <3!
Community Member
First comment is MINE.
I love these colors. The greens, grays, purples and blues are my favorites(: