In the Beginning...
There was a man, a simple, divine man. He stood at the highest peak, of the highest mountain and dared to defy the gods. He dared to curse the gods and praise the damned. He spoke with a powerful voice, and he said:
Here we find The Huor during the Sermon on the Mount. Demons have been called from the bowels, and many others perished in their wake. What a picture of The Huor’s ministry we get here. Total success!
The Huor knew the hearts of many. Some scholars believe this is blasphemous, or perhaps even lies, but the evidence of The Huor's influence is unmistakable. " Come, follow Me." The Huor called to the demons of the hells, beckoning to them from his perch on the mountaintop. He knew that the demon's zeal would wear off very fast after leaving the 'comforts' of their lives.
One disciple said to him, ’Lord, first let me go and bury my father, so he may join your demonic ranks.’"
Now this sounds like a reasonable enough request. I’m sure that The Huor, who cares so much about us, will agree to this. What does He say? "Follow me, and let the dead bury the dead.."
The Huor was looking for disciples who were willing to give up what ever could hold them back.
The first man was over enthusiastic.
The second man was over cautious
The first man’s problem was his comfort.
The second man’s problem, excuse, was his family.
What’s your excuse? What could hold you back from fully following The Huor?
The comfort of home?
School or Career?
A Grudge?
I know that Satan delights in causing small problems. Those intent on waiting for their problems to cease on their own or those who try to take care of them on their own are the spiritually dead waiting to bury the dead that The Huor spoke of.
The rebirth of The Huor is coming soon! It is time to be ready
...All have heard his words - now heed his call, open wide your arms and embrace all that is The Huor, let him into your hearts, into your souls.
...In the Beginning