In this land of constant turmoil.
I lie behind the Vail of shadows.
I watch the world go on bye.
I am forever a dreamer of fantasies,
Like so many others around me.
You turn to see my eyes watching from the sidelines.
You fall into my world and see the dreams I dream.
You watch me now from where I was in your world.
I fly high over blue oceans of mountain tops.
You walk with ,e through dark caverns,
And see snow touch fire light,
Turned to crystals hidden bright.
We hide under never ending green,
To see trees reach high to the endless sky's.
You behind me, I swim through water,
See ripples run deep into the worlds underneath.
We sail beneath the winds that cast away the leaves,
That brings in the stormy seas.
Now you've seen a pat of my dreams,
But that does not mean you know the real me.
So again I hide, wait and wonder,
Will someone ever find me?