What is the most Darkest maniacal thing you ever wished on a person or people? twisted
twisted xXx-Demy-xXx replied:
Umm Hanging A person By The Skin On There Neck By i Giant Fish Hook, Then Cutting The Tips of there Toes off And Draining There Blood into A Bucket, After That Making Them Drink That Till They Die.
ninja phantomturtle replied:
i would tell you, but then id have to kill you...
stare _Cool_Tanja_ replied:
3nodding slipknot_king81 replied:
i do not know man
xd xXNaoxZayaXx replied:
For my stepmom to get run over my a truck, nearly die, then come home only to die by tripping on the stairs.
blaugh thellamalady57 replied:
I wish for a 3 horned fire breathing ninja unicorn!!!!!!!! ^^
twisted r3belxwired replied:
they die on fire.
4laugh SweetMe15 replied:
Im Just Running In Really Quick To Say HelloHave A Nice Day________________^ _ ^
stare Messy hotz replied:
scream fallinforthesky replied:
probably that they would end up alone or get exactly what the deserve and also whats coming to them!
wahmbulance vulnavia draco replied:
twisted If I told you I would get locked up in a very secure place away from society. I'm not a nice person and I don't like humans.
AvaTsukiHime replied:
twisted a small needle turned in their body. then their skin peeled off. then they get ripped in half.
mngmng123 replied:
sweatdrop Geeze why to darken my Happy mood! l razz ))
Runa Felinus replied:
stare It's beyond your comprehension, human.
Raem Kestrelplume replied:
stare nothing out of the ordinary
Zorbaak replied:
twisted Dragging a Living Body into the Deepest Depths of Hell > smile
the_papi_chulo2005 replied:
question question ザキング全てのゲームの
_Emo_Puppy_13_ replied:
FurryPervert replied:
emo I haven't really thought about it before... Probably something really morbid.
gabeuttseks replied:
sweatdrop i dont know
twisted [WillYoubeMyEmo] replied:
Slow and painful death using all the medivel torture devices
shikamarulover28 replied:
scream death
Well these Are very good and strange But thats Just what I would Expect from Mere mortal Terrans. You all have never seen pain Un till you have experienced the pain of hades for yourselves. Mwaaahaahaha!!
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