And school is over! Again! I'm glad. Friday was fun. No, not really. School was really boring. Except 5th period was fun. This kid named Brandon and I threw paper balls at this kid named Conner. It was fun. That's kind of sad... well the most sad part would probably be that these last couple weeks of school were probably the best time I've had all school year. But nevermind that. And after school I went to the movies with my friends. That was fun too. And that is basically the highlights of my day.
I wonder what I am going to do all summer. I'm going to be very very bored. Huh. I might walk my dog. No one ever walks her anymore. She would like that. Maybe I can walk to the beach or something. Oh! My dad bought me a guitar. I can practice that, and piano. But that doesn't seem like enought to keep me entertained all summer. I guess I am just going to be very very bored.
So milk. I really need to cut back. It's been making me sick, and I hate it. I love milk. But I can't have it because I am allergic. And I don't enjoy those stomach aches.
I don't know anymore. I really haven't been writing much lately. Or less, at least. More than most people but less than my usual, I guess. Oh well. No one really reads my journal entries anymore. I get like 5 views at the most when I used to get 30. Not very much. Ever. Oh well, right? Oh well.
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