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Lark's journal
These are my random thots... enjoy
The Gogh-Getters
***=time passed
~~~(X)= smoke session
@@@= Memory/flashback/daydreams/directors explanation/what have you

Everybody has friends, and every friend has a group, and every group has a certain place they like to hang out, and every hang out has a story, this is it.

Chapter 1:The Forbidden Fruit

Somewhere there is an urban city. The sky is over cast and the streets are covered in litter. Cars are parked on the side of the road and not a lot of people are walking around outside. Yet, sitting alone on the stoop of his home, Jareth eyed the cloudy skies. He was an urban kid that lived in a flat with his mother and baby sister.
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The sound of a skateboards zooming down the street caused Jareth to turn his head. A smile spread on his face as he saw his friends Ronin and Wendy. Two skaters who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Both are dare-devils in their own right. Wendy is good at stunts and Ronin's... a moron.
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"Let's go man!" Ronin yelled as he passed. Wendy laughed as she followed. Jareth smirked and grabbed his bike. As he pulled it out of the garage he noticed that the kids cab was attatched. Sitting in it with a smile on her face was Jareth's baby sister, Karen. From inside the flat his mother yelled, "If you're going out, take your sister with you!" Karen was a strange case. Born with no pigment in her hair but rapidly changing iris pigmentation. She never really talked but that's why Jareth wasn't embarressed to take her out with them.
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Down the street, at the house on the corner, the air was thick with smoke. On the porch, two figures were passing a cigarette and a blunt back and forth while supressing minor coughing fits. One was a raver girl called Rainbow and her partner in crime, her best friend, the loner, Lucus. Jareth whistled as he passed and his sister waved. Rainbow looked to the ground as she put the cig in her mouth and went off the porch, Lucus followed with over the shoulder looks and the blunt in his hand.
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This is our group. They're on their way to their hang-out. This is where the story will begin. But one more character must be introduced. She's waiting for the rest. A girl sits by a fountain in the lobby of an old run down hotel, running her hands through the water. She looks into the sky through a hole in the ceiling with empty eyes. Ronin came in through the door, followed by Wendy. Hearing their voices the girl grabbed her umbrella and began feeling across the floor with it. "Ronin?" She called.
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"Over here Misty!" Ronin replied. Misty reached her hand in the direction of his voice. He grabbed it a walked her back to the fountain. Wendy smiled and watched as the rest of the group showed up. Jareth came in holding Karen's hand. she looked around cautiously at first but then she settled when Wendy smiled at her. Karen ran over and hugged her. She was then picked up and placed on Wendy's shoulders. Rainbow came in and put her cigarette out on the wall before joining the rest at the fountain. Lucas was in Rainbow's wake with blood-shot eyes.
They sat and laughed and talked about life. Rainbow and Lucas told of the humongous rave they attended last night, Wendy and Ronin were discussing filming their insane tricks for a television series, Karen played in the fountain and Jareth spoke softly to Misty.
"How's your mom?" She asked.
"Still looking for a job." Jareth replied solemnly. "I wish I could help her out but I have to watch Karen while she's out. We can't afford a babysitter anymore." Misty touched his hand and Jareth smirked.
"Karen what are you doing?" Wendy yelled. Everyone looked to see Karen holding a fruit. She was about to bite it but instead replied,
"Hungry..." Jareth got up and took the fruit from her.
"Where did you find this?" he asked. Karen just pointed to the statue in the center of the fountain.
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"Well!" Ronin got up and trudged through the water to the statue. "I guess I'll try it and see if she can eat it." he plucked a fruit and took a bite. After he chewed a few times he swallowed and looked at the others with a smile. "You guys have to try this." He plucked one for each of them and handed them out. Misty frowned uncomfortably as she rejected the fruit. It was an amazing taste. Lucas was enjoying his as he watched the statue. He jumped.
"What is it?" Rainbow asked.
"Huh?" He looked at her, "Oh... nothing... I could have sworn that statue winked."
After dismissing the thought and deciding it was late they all went home for the night.
That night Jareth had a dream. His body was covered in fire, yet it did not burn him, instead it warmed him. He felt the heat surge through his body and warm his entire being. "Jareth?" An unseen voice called his name. "Jareth? Jareth it's time to wake up." Jareth opened his eyes and stared into a pair of red ones.
"Woah!" He leapt out of bed and watched as a red lizard floated about a foot above his sheets.
"Good morning." The lizard said quite elegantly. "It's about time you woke up. We are going to be rather late." Jareth was dumbfounded. Not only was there a flying lizard in his room, the lizard was talking, and they were apparently late for something.
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"What are you talking about?" Jareth asked.
"it is not my job to explain."
"Did you eat the Gogh Reed?"
"The what?"
"The little golden fruit. Did you eat it?"
Jareth hesitated, "Um... yeah, but,"
"Ok then." the Lizard interrupted, "Grab your sister and let's go."
"My...?" Jareth's eyes shot open and he ran from the room. The lizard floated after him. Jareth threw the door open and stood in the door way, yet again dumbfounded, "Woah..."
When Jareth arrived at the hotel with his sister he was greeted by the others who looked as if they had equally shocking mornings. Each of them also had a new friend.
Ronin was in the middle of telling how his morning went, "Me and Wendy had crashed in the back of her van, and when we woke to these two rocking the damn thing." A small yellow otter that shot sparks from his tail wrestled with a small fox that's tail was a cloud.
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Rainbow thought she was on an ACID trip while she examined a rainbow colored llama with a horn.
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Lucas smiled nervously as he looked up at the lizard skeleton on his head. "I though someone was playing a sick joke until it talked."
"He." Came a whispery voice. "Not it."
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Jareth explained his morning, "And when I opened her door... it was like... well..."
Karen burst into the room screaming, "Color explosion!!!" She was covered in many small colored lizard.
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"So we're all here now." Came a girl's voice. The group jumped to turn and see a girl standing where the statue stood in the fountain. "Welcome."
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She was gorgeous and everyone felt a rush of energy when they looked upon her. "Come now guardians, into the pool." She said. Lucas nervously looked away from her. Jareth couldn't take it anymore.
"WHAT?" He screamed, "What the Hell is going on? We wake up with these talking creatures, you were just a statue, and now you're alive, and now you want us to step into the water? We got questions and we need answers! Tell us what's happening! Merlin asked me if I ate the fruit! does it have anything to do with that?"
"Dude." Ronin interrupted, "You named it?"
"No!" Jareth said cautiously. Merlin perched on his shoulder.
"Well I never told you my name." Merlin smirked.
"Then," Jareth had no clue why he said Merlin. It just came to him. "How did I know?"
"You didn't." Said the beautiful girl. "A familiars name in unknown until it has found it's conduit."
"Whose-a-what-now?" Ronin blurted.
The beutiful girl smiled and sighed, "Mortals need to read more." Her tone suddenly changed to that of a flustered high school girl. "The little guys you woke up with are familiars, magical creatures who help magic users find control their powers. The magic user acts as a conduit, channeling their familiars energy through them and gaining powers of energies throughout the unviverse. Step into the pool and your training begins."
"Magic-users?" Wendy asked. "Us?"
"You ate the fruit of the Gogh Reed." She pointed to the small golden clip in her hair, "Did you not?" The only response was an exchanging of looks between the group. "Well the fruit has made it possible for you to use magic. You all have powers now. step into the pond to learn how to use those powers."
"I don't know..." Jareth mumbled. "Give us some time to think this over. This is moving way too fast."
"Powers?" Karen cried. "Like a super hero?" Her grin grew into a huge smile, "I get to be a super hero?" The beautiful girl nodded and within seconds Karen leapt into the fountain and disappeared.
"KAREN!" Jareth screamed and followed after her. The rest weren't going to stand around. They all leapt into the fountain and disappeared one after the other.

Chapter 2: The World Under the Hotel

Jareth landed next to Karen. He was soon dog-piled by the others.
"Get off me!"
Whose hand is that?"
"Loose some weight man!"
"Sorry Rainbow."
'Who farted?!?"
They scrambled to their feet as fast as they could, they suddenly realized they were all dressed in strange and unique clothing. Karen hadn't moved. She was busy observing their surroundings. She whispered one word and the rest began to look around themselves in wonder, "Beautiful."
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"Wow..." Jareth was amazed at the view. Lush forests, snowy mountains and sparkling rivers, "I wish Misty could see this."
"I already have." The group turned toward a pond to see Misty, or someone that looked like her.
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"I've seen it many times before." Misty said.
"Misty?" Jareth was shocked. "Is that really you? And you can see?"
Misty smiled and blushed a little. "I've always been able to see Jareth." she said hesitantly.
"Misty!" Karen burst in, "You're a mermaid!!!!!! And you're very pretty."
"How is this possible?" Jareth asked, "You didn't eat the fruit."
"I didn't need to." Misty replied, "I was born this way."
The group grew silent. A fish flew around around Misty's head and slowed to observe the curious looks on everyones face. "Perhaps," It spoke with a voice that sounded like it was gurgling water, "Now is not the time. Perhaps we should begin the ceremony so we may begin the training?"
"Yes!" Misty said thankfully breaking eye contact with Jareth. "It's time to know your familiars." The familiars all stood near the pond. "Now everyone close your eyes. Look inside yourself and find the name of your familiars. When you're ready, say the name and your familiar will truly be able to unluck the powers within themselves, and within you." They all closed their eyes. Jareth was the first.
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Merlin smiled heartily and perched on Jareth's shoulder. Karen was next, "Doc!"
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"And DOPEY!!!!!"
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The many lizards rushed over to Karen who was giggling with delight. Ronin smiled and said, "You've gotta be kidding me. Warrior."
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The otter leaped off the ground chittering and shooting sparks from his tail. Wendy took her turn, "Vixen."
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The fox delicately stepped toward her master as Rainbow proclaimed the name of her familiar, "Iris."
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The unillama trotted towards Rainbow as Lucas finished the line-up, "Exo."
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The bones of the small lizard rattled as it climbed to his masters head. Finally the fish swam a circle around Misty's head and gurgled, "And I am Moby. Now, your training will be separate. You will not be training together. When your training does begin, you will not know. Just enjoy and learn what you can about your new home while you wait."
Misty smiled and pointed behind the group. Standing, where nothing had stood moments ago, behind the group was a large lodging made of logs. "Everyone inside now. go find your rooms and make yourselves comfortable." They entered one by one and before Lucas could step inside, Misty had called to him, "Lucas? Could I have a word with you?" With little hesitation Lucas approached the pond. "This is for you." She handed him a black envelope, "Please be ready tonight, and don't pack anything. It's just a party."
Lucas took the envelope and finally went inside. He traveled through the main room, which had a large two corner couch and a humongous flat screen. A sign next to the stairs read 'ROOMS'. Lucas passed the others as they explored everyone's room. The walls in each room were different colors. Lucas guessed his was the one with black walls and desert themed lizard terrarium. Lucas sat on his tar colored water bed and opened the envelope.
He read aloud, "Dear Lucas, we of the Dark Elf court are happy to hear the establishment of our worlds protectors. We humbly ask you grace us with your presence tonight at our yearly Masquerade ball. A coach will arrive for you as the sun sets. Please either step in or kindly hand your invite to the driver, we hope for the former. Highest regards, Lord Chamber."
As Lucas prepared for the masquerade, Jareth sat down the hall in the red room with the terrarium set up as an electric fire place. He was lost in his thoughts he didn't hear Misty walk in. "Jareth?" Jareth was a little jarred by his snap back to reality. He looked up and saw Misty standing in the doorway. "May I come in?"
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"Yeah..." Jareth mumbled, "Sure." She walked to the side of the bed and sat down next to him. "Just tell who you are."
"Jareth," Misty said calmly, "We grew up together. You know who I am."
"No." Jareth grumbled, "The Misty I knew told me everything. The Misty I know didn't have parents, she grew up squatting in that hotel, her sister was always doing her job so we never saw her and she was blind."
Misty looked at him with her azure eyes and smiled, "I don't have parents, I live in a magical world in the pond of that hotel, my sister is always doing her job and you finally saw her when she sent you here." Jareth thought aboutit and remembered the beautiful girl. Misty rolled her eyes, "She's not as nice as her looks." Then she sighed. "I was born here, in this world. My parents were like us, mages. They were killed on a mission. So Ivy and I were forced to take on their jobs. I was to find more mages to protect this world and Ivy was the one holding the portal open. I'm sorry i never told you about my real life. I'm sorry I lied to you about being blind. I had to cover what I really was. And these eyes don't scream 'normal girl'." She put her hand on his. "I'm sorry Jareth."
Suddenly Karen burst in the room, "Look what I found in my room!"
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"Oh! That reminds me." Misty knelt down in front of Karen, "Do you wanna go to school for a while?"
Lucas was ready to go. He glanced at himself one more time in the mirror.
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He left his room and went to say goodbye to Rainbow. He knocked on her door. it swung open to reveal a four post bed in the middle of a rainbow striped room with a box of hay in the corner and a desk covered with green sprouts in the back corner. A guy in a grey hoodie looked up from the table as smoke left the room. "Sup bro?"
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"Dude," Rainbow was sprawled on the bed in a dress and looking at something that resembled a long joint.
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"This stuff is awesome!"
"Good s**t right?" The boy asked excitedly. Lucas stood at the door. He bit his tongue and waited for Rainbow's attention. She finally noticed him.
"Going to a ball Harvey Birdman?" She asked.
"A masquerade actually. I wanted to ask you something." Lucas replied.
"Ask me when you get back. I got a story for you when you then." With a sigh Lucas shut the door and went down stairs.
Outside the carriage waited for him. He studied the black coach and the blue skin of the driver. Then he stepped in the carriage and they took off. "Don't worry." Exo rasped with his dusty voice, "It probably wasn't what it looked like." After eight minutes of silence Lucas spoke.
"Did she do something with her hair?"
Chapter 3: Masks and Familiar Faces
After an hour of travel, the carriage stopped. When Lucas looked out he was in front of a large citadel built into the side of a mountain. Not a mountain, the side of a cavern wall. Lucas realized he was underground. The cavern was huge. It was as if Lucas had traveled to a new world beneath the surface of the one beneath the hotel. "Welcome," the driver said, "To the Night Caverns."
The carriage took Lucas to the base of the citadel. As Lucas stepped out, two giant marble doors opened to show him millions of masked dancers. He stepped towards them and then stopped. He was nervous. It was a royal ball and he couldn't even pronounce the word etiquette. Suddenly a familiar aroma surrounded him. He stepped to the side and followed the scent around the corner. A dark elf boy in the loitering stance against the wall.
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"Dude?" Lucas said gesturing the joint on the end of his long drag.
The dark elf smiled and handed it to Lucas. "Dude."
As the two returned to the ball room the elf introduced himself, "I'm Duke Dungeon, by the way."
"Lucas." They shook hands.
"Not an elf huh?"
"No... not really."
"Any questions?"
"Yeah," Lucas replied. "What do we do?"
"Meet people, eat, dance, listen to the Court talk high and mighty."
"Dude." Lucas stopped him, "You said eat, and I got the ********' munchies." Dungeon smiled and led Lucas to the buffet table before going off to rejoin his parents. While at the table Lucas grabbed a plate and used it to catch his crumbs as he ate straight from the table. Exo was examining a strangly shaped berry when, with a burst of frosting, a small lizard jumped out of the cake behind him.
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It landed next to Exo and exclaimed, "OH! BROTHER!!"
It clung to Exo who asked, "What are you doing here?"
Before she could answer Lucas felt a tug on his pant leg. He looked down to see a small eight year old girl. "Hi Lucas." She smiled as she looked up at him.
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She lifted her mask to take a bite of cake and reveal herself.
Lucas was stunned, "Susie?"
Lucas was raised in foster homes for as long as he could remember. On his eighteenth birthday he was forced out and rainbow took him in. Eight years earlier he lived with a family that had a daughter, Susan. He was there when she was born and treated her like a real sister. He remembered the day he had to move to a different state with a different family Susie cried in his arms and held him tight. Lucas' eyes filled with tears as she kissed his cheek and her mother took her. He hadn't heard from her since.
"Susie!" Lucas picked her up in a hug. she giggled and bit into a cupcake. "What are you doing here?"
Susie swallowed her bite of cake and replied ,"Gettin' Goghs."
"You're a Gogh-Getter?" Lucas asked.
"Yep." Susie began browsing the sweets. "Oh, and that's Cici (pronounced see-see)." She pointed to the lizard with a strawberry hat. Exo groaned.
"She's my baby sister."
"And I'm not just a Gogh-Getter." She said proudly. "I'm a mage! I finished my training a few years ago."
"How long have you been here?" Lucas asked.
"A long time. But I knew you'd come."
"The girl with the blue hair said if I ate the fruit I would see you again." They smiled at each other. The moment was broken by the sound of chiming glass. At the far end of the room sat the royal family in four thrones.
A loud voice echoed throughout the room, "Will Master Lucas and the Sweet Sorceress please approach the thrones?"
The other guests cleared a path. Susie began skipping towards them and Lucas followed hesitantly behind her. When they were in front of the thrones Susie curtsied and Lucas bowed. A dark elf with a white wrap on his head stood and spoke softly with a gentle smile. "Welcome Lucas. I am Lord Chamber. head of the Dark Elf Court. On my left is my wife, Lady Cell. To her left, my son, Duke dungeon. And to my right is my daughter, Lady Asylum."
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The family members nodded when they were named off. Lord Chamber continued, "It is my understanding that you are to be the enforcer in our domain. The Night Caverns shall be in your jurisdiction."
"I didn't know that." Lucas said, "But I promise I'll do my best."
"I'm happy to hear that." Lord Chamber mused, "But you must show us what 'your best' is." Lord Chamber clapped his hands. An armored dark elf approached the throne and bowed. "Lucas, this is General Keep. He is my head of security. beat him in combat. Show us your best." General Keep stood and readied himself for battlewith two daggers.
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Lucas was taken aback. "Excuse me?"
"Fight him and win." Lord Chamber explained. "If you can't do that, you are clearly unworthy of protecting me and my people." He sat down in his throne. "And if you show weakness, it speaks poorly of your comrades."
Lucas snapped to attention. His mind filled with images of his friends. "Gimme a sword." He placed Exo down and was given a rapier and a dagger. "Nobody talks bad about my friends."
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The combatant circled. They sized each other up and waited. Finally Lucas broke the silence and thrust at Keep. Keep easily side-stepped the attack. His eyes met Chamber's, Chamber shook his head. Keep returned to the battle. He smacked the rapier down and elbowed Lucas to the floor. Lucas scrambled back to his feet. Keep looked to Chamber again and this time Chamber made a subtle gesture with his hand. Keep nodded and returned to the battle again. Lucas swung the rapier wildly, and jabbed the dagger at Keep. keep evaded the attacks with grace and finally disarmed Lucas with a swift move. As Lucas avoided Keep's daggers Keep spoke to him. "You fight for your honor. A noble cause. You fight for the honor of others, even more noble. But you fight without focus. Like a wild animal. Breathe, think about your next move, then strike!" He brought down his dagger but it was blocked by Lucas'. He slowly reached for his rapier. When it was finally in his hand he took a deep breathe, pushed up against Keep, stood, and locked eyes with his foe. Keep looked once more to Chamber. This time he nodded. In a quick motion the two separated, charged each other, and sliced their opponent. The slash on Lucas was little more than a scrape, Keep however was smiling at Lucas as he was taken to the infirmary. Lord chamber clapped again. Another armored dark elf approached the thrones.
"This is Captain Oubliette." Chambers mused, "He is my arcane warrior. You have proved yourself a worthy fighter. But prove yourself a worthy mage." Oubliette bowed and took up his staff.
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Lucas readied for battle but fell to his knee. He suddenly felt very sick. A burning sensation came from his wound. He looked up at a smiling Lord Chamber. The dagger he had been cut with was poison. Lucas was suddenly knocked to the floor by a blast of purple magic. Oubliette stood over him and readied his next blast. Lucas couldn't move. His head dropped to the side. He saw Exo scrambling on the table and heard him whispering, "Get up." He saw Susie crying in terror. He thought of the grins that spread over the dark elf court as he was about to be defeated. Then he thought of his friends. The many good times they had at the hotel, how Rainbow was always there for him, he may have been down, but he wasn't out.
"Not yet." Lucas said as he rolled out of the way of Oubliette's blast. "I just got Susie back, I finally a purpose. I'm not going down yet."
Exo smiled and began to glow dimly as Lucas stood up. The court filled with gasps as Lucas stopped feeling the effects of the poison. He had changed. His will to fight had taken over. A black cloud emerged from Lucas and began hovering over Oubliette, who fell to the ground choking.
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"STOP!" Lord Chamber yelled. Lucas looked at Chamber and returned to normal. The smog dissipated and Oubliette was carried to the infirmary. "Well." he smiled and bowed. "The Putrid Punk of the Gogh-Getters has finally joined us." The rest of the dark elves knelt. "Your training is complete."
When Lucas returned with Susie he happily told them the whole story. He had finished his training. But apparently he wasn't the first. Rainbow had finished her training right before Lucas left.
Chapter 4: Moving a Rainbow
Rainbow found her room. The vibrant colors on the walls made it almost as obvious as the hay spread on the floor. Rainbow smiled and jumped backwards onto her bed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Rainbow said. A boy dressed in gray opened the door.
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"Sup." He said as he closed the door behind him. "I'm Buster."
Rainbow sat up in her bed. "My friends call me Rainbow."
"Yeah, um... Misty said that you might be interested in what I offer."
"What do you offer?" Rainbow asked curiously. Bust showed her a bag of green herbs. "I'm interested."
Buster smiled and sat at the desk in the back of the room. He pulled out a blue book and tore a page out. "This time there's no charge." He rolled a joint and slowly handed it to her. As she lit the end and inhaled Buster said, "But only because it's completely necessary for you to start your training." With that, Rainbow passed out.
When Rainbow came to she was in a basement. "Can you say 'What the ******** did I do last night?'" She looked around. Iris was sleeping in the corner, there was a sink and a mirror on the wall, the walls were made of stone brick and little light came in through a small window. She walked over to the sink and washed her face. Finally she looked in the mirror. A piercing scream echoed throughout the basement and nearly cracked the mirror. After catching her breathe Rainbow looked at a shocked Iris and asked, "What happened to my hair?"
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After ten minutes of fighting to style her hair with no victory in sight she heard some thing she couldn't believe. "CINDERELLA!"
Rainbow looked at Isis who was equally shocked and said, "No way..." She walked up the stairs out of the basement and into the main room of a mansion. She looked around and saw an old lady looking at her.
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"What are you wearing you nasty little girl?" The old lady asked.
Rainbow face grew ready with anger. "Who you calling nasty you ugly old lady?" She screamed. The old woman smacked her in the face.
"How dare you speak to your mother that way!" She said menacingly. That's when it hit her. She recognized the voice and looked up at the lady. Her face was that of her step mothers.


Not one of Rainbows friends know her deepest secrets. One, her dad was the fourth richest man in the world and her mom died during childbirth. Two, She had a step mother who married him for his money, and her father died soon after wedding. Leaving Rainbow alone with her step mother and two step sisters. Her step mother hated her and spent almost all of her fathers money. She abused Rainbow physically and verbally. She'd hit rainbow when she was 5 minutes late home from school and when ever she was disobeyed she told Rainbow that she was hideous and no one would love her not even her father. Whenever teachers from school got involved theyd just get paid off and act like nothing was happening. When Rainbow was old enough she took the rest of her fathers money and ran away.


"Step mother!" Rainbow said in spite of her. Her step mother raised her hand and Rainbow cringed. But she didn't hit her. Instead she smiled and gave her a list. Have these things done before the prince shows up." And she stormed off.
Rainbow stormed down to the basement and grabbed a mop.


Wile mopping the kitchen she hard a voice. "Having fun?" Rainbow and Iris looked around until they saw a dust bunny that said, "Hey.
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"It's me! Buster!" Said the dust bunny.
Rainbow glared at him. "Are you really buster?" she asked angrily.
"Yeah." Buster replied.
"Good!" Rainbow said raising the mop over her head, "Cause I'm gonna KILL YOU!" She brought the mop down so hard it broke in half. Buster moved out of the way before he was squashed.
"Stop! I'm sorry don't kill me! I can help you!" Buster pleaded. Rainbow crouched with half the mop in her hand.

In half an hour the entire mansion was spotless and an army of dust bunnies lie huffing and puffing in the corner of the basement.
"Thank you." Rainbow said.
Just then there was a knock on the door. Rainbows step mother came running down the stairs with her daughters in tow. "Don't you dare touch that door you filthy child." She said pointing at Rainbow. She finally reached the door and as she opened it Rainbow slammed it closed. "How dare you, you monster."
"NO!" Rainbow screamed, "You're the nasty, filthy monster! I'm beautiful and I have friends who love me and I love them. But you! I hate you! I wish you would just go away!"
Everything went dark... "Hello?" Rainbow called out. A light appeared and she walked toward it.
"Hello." The light said. When Rainbow got close enough she could see a little woman with wings in the center of the light.
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"Congratulations Ingrid."The woman said.
"Woah!" Rainbow was a little surprised. "No ones called me that in a long time."
"You have stood up to your past and come out free to let go. You have completed your training. You are the Rainbow Raver. Bibidy bobidy boo!"
Suddenly Rainbow was lying in her bed. She looked at her clothes to see herself in a dress and her hair was prettier than before.
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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 31, 2009 @ 12:25am
the very first sentence is cool you really have a way with words

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