12:02 A.M

K.C. Lockin,
I will forever remember you.
You were always there to make me laugh. You told me not to cry if you left, but there are tears running down my cheeks at this moment. Im really sorry. But you wanted me to end this off on a good note, so I'm doing as you ask, love.We had amazing times together. I remember when we first met. You were so funny, and loving. You ditched that other girl just to talk to me, and she got mad. Lol. I would laugh every time I sent you a video of Tyra Banks. You were in love with that woman, Haha. So my background is for you babycakes. I never had the chance to give you that Nigerian girl you wanted, but I guess you were satisfied with those blond twins. Today, I gave you a nickname, K.C. Banks. You flipped out and started daydreaming, I laughed so hard. I'll miss our late meetings at 3 a.m. ;] Even if you did snore, I enjoyed your company. I'll have to find some way to protect myself from the boogeyman under my bed now. Only you would understand all of that. K.C, you were absolutely gorgeous, even though you didn't believe when I said it. I saved all your pictures to my computer, if you didn't know that. As I write this, you are dying. But I won't ever forget talking to you everyday. I tried everything in my power to save you. But your free from your pain now, and this is what makes you happy. There's an open spot in my heart,and it's for my PERVERTED, blad-ISH, emo, black tranny. And yes, I will rape Tyra for you like you told me to darling. OH, and I want my blow-up doll back. :]
Dr. KFC, you made me so happy.
You were the best brother I could ask for.
I Love You K.C.
R.I.P. May 17,2009
8:25 pm.