If you reading this than I suppose you think you got what it takes to win a little gold? That’s good, because I am betting there are a few others who think they can take you down.
The Pot starts at $2000 Gold! Plus a Surprise Bonus. There is a registration fee of $25 Gold, which gets added to the pot. So depending on the number of people the pot of gold only goes up.
Each week two writers will spar off. They will write on a given word count, theme and topic. The written works will be posted here anonymous and the community will get a chance to vote.
The winner will move on and the loser will be left to cry. This will continue until we get down to only two writers where the championship battle will take place.
You will be paired up randomly. Once all writer’s have registered, I will have each come in here and randomly toss the dice between 1 & the number of writers we get. If the dice lands on a number that has already been played, that writer will simply roll again
Registrations start NOW until June 1st.
To Register please PM & post your reply to the thread. (helps me make sure I get everyone) You do not have to pay your gold until June 1st when all have registered. On June 1st I will display a list of all registered writers. You will have until June 5th to roll your dice in this thread. If you do not roll your dice, you will be removed from the contest. However, any gold you pay will remain in the pot.
Monday June 8th will start the competition. There the topic, scenario and scene will be posted. The writer’s will have 3 days to write their stories. If they fail to get their story in by the three day deadline, than they forfeit, their gold remains in the pot for the winner. NO extensions on deadlines.
This contest is not for the casual writer, weak of heart or anyone who likes to cry. This contest is open to people who are confident in their writing skills, can meet deadlines and put effort and pride into their written piece.
Feel free to ask any questions in this thread. Please, no complaints on the registration fee… Sometimes you have to gamble a little in life to get rewarded.
KitanaWolfblood · Wed May 13, 2009 @ 10:37pm · 0 Comments |