Small update on the Fishing Quest: I've traded for all three colors of Fish Eyes.
My Avi Art Gift Quest is up to 33%! Yay! This is my newest art:

And this is my newest art that I requested:

It's by Alis Volat Propriis. Love it! blaugh
I STILL haven't written a new chappie for my fanfic. I've just been alternately too tired and too busy. I was tired enough today to take a nap. I do not nap since it ususally just makes me feel worse.
I've discovered a couple of Charity threads that I really enjoy. Gaia's Local Dump and The 2nd Hand Depot. I finally have a place to get rid of my unwanted junks, so why is it that NOW Gaia releases the 'Trash' option? Oh, well! I'm still glad that they released it. We NEEDED a Trash option.
~That's all for today, folks!