A/N:this starts from when they toss Celest outta the heavens ok enjoy
Celest was stabbed through her chest by Omega as he tossed her from the newley formed hole in the heavens.She fell holding her stomach bracing herself for the impact of the fall closing her eyes only to feel nothing except herself being hugged.She openned her eyes to see Angel looking at her with a bittersweet expression
She gave a weak smile"Master"she then took his hand placing it on her stomach"This is our child"
Angel gave a look of awe as he felt his hand being kicked and it quickly turned to one of horror as he felt Celest dying"Celest..."
"I love you Angel..."her hand then dropped to her side
He looked at her as if she was kidding as tears began to run from his eyes"Celest...Celest...Celest!! I love you too,please don't leave me alone"he sat sobbing before feeling his hand being kicked again and nodded as he lifted her and took her to a nearby hospital
He walked in and as soon as he did doctors reached over taking the woman from him as they yelled what to do,he followed behind them and waited in a small room.After what seemed like forever a nurse walked out
"Sir...I'm afriad she didnt make it,but the newborn did.It appears you got her here in time to keep the child alive"
Angel still had tears running from his eyes at hearing this"Can i see my child"
The woman nodded as she motioned for him to follow.As he entered the room he saw Celest laying on a bed before another nurse walked up to him giving his child to him
"It's a girl"the nurse said bittersweetly"We couldnt save the mother,so what will you name her"
Angel took the child which was handed to him and looked her over.She had curly black hair on her head,slightly tan skinned and the rest of her features looked like Celest.He ran a finger over the childs cheek to have her firmly grab his finger
"You have my strength too"he looked at Celest and walked over placing a kiss on her head"I'll take good care of our child"
At hearing this many of the nurses broke out into tears"Sir... have you decided a name?"the one who told him the news was crying as she asked this
"Yes...her name is Marie"the woman nodded at hearing this before seeing the man before her skin turn shadow like as blue markings appeared over him,he turned looking at the women with blue eyes as wings that were white spread gloriously from his back
"A-A-Angel" one said as her eyes widened from the sight
"No,not an angel,not a devil,i'm just like you only im special"he chuckled"I have something to attend to,i'll return for my wife's body" he then looked to his child as he began walking out of ther hospital attracting many stares of awe.Once outside he spread his wings which were an impressive length only to bring them down quickly to shield Marie as a firebal hit it
"You"Angel turned with one of his wings still shielding Maried to see Ifirit and it made him scowl"Go to hell"
Angel chuckled:"Make me"
Ifrit walked over punching him in the face only to see him not budge an inch and growled before Angel raised his free hand and put it over the mans face before he squeezed gently which made the god laugh only to yell as his head began to cave in on itself
"My dear,hopefully you will never have to raise your hand to fight"he waved his wing shaking the blood from it then he flew upwards toward the hole in the sky
He reached the top to see Bahamut and Eden then gave a tilt of his head"Thank you for welcoming us"
"Us?"Eden asked before seeing him move his wing which was sheilding his daughter so she could see the little bundle in his arms"Celest's child?"
"Yes"before he could say anything else he sheilded Marie once more as Bahamut came forth pucnhing at her,Angel growled"You dare try to strike my child" he then punched the god so he fell to his knees kicked him so his head snapped back and he fell as Angel jumped before comming down stomping his head in before looking to Eden
"What is your choice girl,because you are no god i asure you that"he took a step forth to see her bow "Don't bow,please stand and lead me to Omega" he said this time in a gentle tone
She nodded walking to her fathers chamber,she openned the door only to be lashed at and knocked back into Angel who caught her
"You dare BETRAY me!!"Omega walked out royaly pissed as he saw Angel standing there with a calm look"You think you can beat me boy?"
Angel only released Eden as a response and tilting his head"Yeah"
"Well then come on boy"Omega stood with a vein vividly coming from his head
"Your name is Omega which in greek terms means the end,so i must agree it's time for you to retire"he talked to the man whild playing with Marie who held his finger
"That child is an evil abomination,and my name means its your end"Eden heard this and looked away while the markings on Angel's body turned red along with his eyes
"Is that so?" as he asked this three shadows of Angel appeared behind Omega.As one struck Ultemecia jumped in the way being stabbed through her stomach.Angel saw this and it stunned him as the shadow of himself caught the woman
"Why did you try to save his life?"he asked this only to see the woman give a smile
"Because no matter how corrupt he is, he is my master and husband"she turned to Omega who had no bit of emotion on his face "Maybe in our next life i can have the old Alexander back"
Angel looked to the man who walked over and took the woman from his shadow and stared down at her "Andrea,my servant" he brushed a strand of hair from her face with a smile before it turned predatory as he broke her neck "You will become something elegant in your next life"
Eden stood shocked as it didnt come as much a shock to Angel "MOTHER!"
Angel just stood staring at Omega who smiled before bleeding from his mouth"Seems youve lost your sanity over your years of having power.You should know that if the master kills the servant then the master dies too" he watched as the man quickly turned old and died
Eden sat sobbing over her mother's body,an emotion Angel was quickly getting used to seeing.He stood thinking of all he's been through,all the growing up he's done over ther time while being with Celest and all the emotions he's discovered,and now he is forced to grow up more because he now has a child to care for.As he thought this he looked down at his child still amazed at seeing the smaller version of him and Celest
"Eden..."when she looked up he felt a tinge of sorrow hit him but pushed it back"You are now the Goddess of gods" it stunned her as he said this
"But you defeated father,you-" she was cut off by a hand from him
"He defeated himself and i want to raise my daughter in a normal life.I believe you can take good care of the world" he nodded brushing a strand of hair from her face "Take care, and i know you'll be bored by your lonesome so come to earth every once in a while,bye now" he then disappeared -- He walked back into the hospital slowly changing back to his regular form except the wings and back into the room to see Celest fading away,he walked to her holding her hand intill she was gone.He then sighed turning to face the nurses and smiled
"Thank you for trying to save her" the nurse patted him on the shoulder
"Your welcome hon" she smiled before hearing Marie cry "She must be hungry"
Angel looked around"I'll go get noodles" he was about to move before seeing the nurses laugh
"No,No,she needs milk,how about you go home and rest while we take care of your daughter" he looked them over for a while before handing Marie over "Come pick her up tommorow"
He nodded then kissed Marie's forhead and flew out of the hospital --- Luminay openned her eyes and what she saw shocked her for it was the fact that she could see,she looked around to see Angel sprawled out on his bed knocked out from exhastion.she stood up and walked over shaking him
Angel yawned"Yes Luminay"
"I CAN SEE!"she gave a grin
"I know" he smiled looking into her purple eyes"Adell told me to take care of you"
She nodded"Thank you" she then dived on the bed landing on his chest making him give an off"Whats the babys name!Is it a girl or boy" he laughed while eagarly telling her what the baby was like -- Eden stood overlooking the earth with a smile"I'll be better than you father,being god of gods doesnt mean challenging one's strenth against another,it means protecting those weaker than you, and i'll do that from now on"
End of alt chap ^_^ A/N:imma make a one chp sequel to this one smile
Crono the lone wolf · Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 06:54pm · 0 Comments |