Gaia needs an easier way of uploading photos >3>

There's my Aidou Hanabusa Cosplay from Vampire Knight!

That's Stephen! He's my little cutie!!!!

Everyone has a crush on Kyle XD

GOD! He's like a Pokemon PIMP!!! ~eyeroll~

Chelsae MADE her costumes FROM SCRATCH! All herself!

ALL Ducktape!

Rem from Deathnote

Zetsubou sensei... from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei XD

MY BLUE MEANIE COSTUME FROM THE YELLOW SUBMARINE MOVIE BY THE BEATLES!!! Now THAT costume I did make myself from scratch, save for the boots (minus the covers, because I made covers for them) and the tights.

Ryuku from DeathNote

The hot guy who comes into my work WAS AT THE CON!! I wanted to rape him @w@

Jiraiya <3

My friend Adam found the bunny PJ's from The Christmas Story! XD

There's a funneh face for ya >w<

Kyle's Wolf's Rain cosplay... that outfit gave him SUCH an ego XD

I agree.

And Kyke's buddy... the sexy photographer! XD

This girl's my new best buddy >w< Her names Alicia but I will forever call her Matsumoto, because she did the best Matsumoto cosplay, it was awesome! She cosplayed all the anime characters with HUGE boobs XD

Aaaand that's me by the way XD




XD I talked them into doing a sexy yaoi scene for me >w<

You're not supposed to know who that is >w< .... I know who it is >w<

My X and I doing an Ulquiorra Grimmjow Yaoi pose >w<

They all made their costumes.

The witch from Howl's Moving Castle!

This is a favorite of mine XD

And Ulquiorra doesn't have that symbol down there, buuuuut I'm one of those rare Bleach fans who like Zaraki Kenpachi and Ulquiorra Yaoi pairings, sooo that Zaraki's squad 11 symbol! >w<

Sonja, she makes most of her costumes, although I don't think she made that one...

The sexy guy who's hairy nipples I licked off...... he shaved them for me after I told him "ewww, they're hairy!" XD Then later that night he made out with me! @w@ DAMNIT I DIDN'T GET HIS NAME!!! He liked my tongue ring though >w>

>w< Kakashi <3

Lolita-ers.... The one in the mask... I know who she is too... she's married to the guy in the mask >w<

AND... that's the two mystery people again >w<

More crazy friends of mine who made their own costumes!!!

More sexy Kyle photos as RENJI! <3

That's the Matsumoto cosplay!!! She was the BEST! And I like this photo a lot.

Another Earlier Bleach character with big boobs XD

Stephen again <3

Yes I'm totally showing off my undies >w<

~high pitched screech voice~ THAT WAS LIKE TEH HAPPIEST DAY OF MY ******** LIFE!!! XD

Do you see it, do you see it?! I totally shaved off my eye brows for that cosplay!

I just loved how happy he looked with his Mountain dew and pizza!

Ichigo and Orihime <3

Another earlier Ichigo

And she made her own costume! And then last year she also won first place for the con stage event by singing an AMAZING operatic piece as Queen Beryl

Orihime slapping Ulquiorra >w<


Bleach photos! XD


Too cute <3

There was another Ulquiorra there, but I shaved my eyebrows off for the part damnit!!! XD

Hollow Ichigo vs Ichigo

Boob sandwich! XD

I guess that's a Star Wars pose? XD

Boob-face plant XD

Ulquiorra made a friend >w<

my GOD There's that sexy guy!!!

>w< No Face with a sword, uh oh >w<

Kaname and Aidou >w< I kept forgetting to take my ******** ears off Oh well...

She let me do a Yaoi pose!!! Those ears though >3<

There was a Yuki there >w< So we did that bite scene >w<