****TO VIEW ART visit my deviantart page HERE or visit my old art thread HERE Most of my new stuff is posted on my imgur page HERE****
Q. Do you have an art shop?
A. No, because the last time I had one I couldn't keep track of anything! For now it is a PM system for art until I feel more prepared to open a shop. That way people rarely stumble across me and i can still get gold without getting flooded.
Q. Can I commission you for some art?
A. Bribe only. If I already have 2 art pieces I'm working on already, you will either have to wait or bribe a higher amount.
Q. OMG can I have some free art??
A. No, sorry. I needta be your friend for you to get that privilege wink
Q. Art trade?
A. Depends on your art's value vs. mine wink
Q. Do you do couples?
A. Yes, but whatever you offer for ONE character is doubled. Also, it's more likely I'll do a commission for you if it's a YURI (girl-girl) commission.
Q. What are you less likely to draw for me?
A. Manly Males, and be sure you dressed him up REALLY GOOD. For some reason, many guys on this site don't know how to put the same colors together, lol. (no offense) And large groups of people... unless you give me a very good bribe. wink Intense Mecha, total Anthro ("furries" wink .... I think that's it. I'm not big on drawing yaoi.
Q. Do you do OC art?
A. Actually, I encourage it. Most gaia avi's who commission me have no clue how to mix-and-match their stuff gonk
Q. How long do you usually take for a piece of art?
A. If i do art in one sitting it takes at least 5 hours of total concentration. It's rare for me to actually finish a piece in one sitting though and can take up to a month depending on the complexity on what my real life is doing to me.
Q. How would your paying system work? half half? full up front? trade in the wings?
A. I like having the full payment in a trade. I don't accept until I'm done but it's a way of staying organized as well as knowing the person really has that amount.
Q. Do you do freestyle or could I pick the position/poses?
A. Picking the position and poses are fine. But I will turn a pose down if I don't want to draw it. Sometimes people give me the pose they want and if I can't do it I can't do it, don't get pissed. I don't draw for a living, this is a hobby for me lol.
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