Moi =3 by Natalie [aka Xox_Angel From Above_Xox] Thnx!!

Me and Maddi =P

Ashley, Natalie,and me :]

Natalie (Xox_Angel From Below_Xox), Ashley (II iPUNK II), and me ;D

Foxy Ninja 14, me, and Josh

XDD LOL this is avi art from when I got Josh to dress up in my dress xDD
Josh, Maddy, me, and Ashley
Bought by xXx-CrazyMe-xXx
By iGlompMonster

Me, Ashley (sis) and Josh (bro)
By iGlompMonster

Free avi art from Candies Sakura~ =D (back when I had blue hair x] )

Me, Iggy, Natalie, and Evan (aka dread zone avengers)
Art bought by Natalie (aka princess sakura5) again
By LoyalPetDragon

Me and Natalie :]
Art bought by Natalie (aka princess sakura5)
By iGlompMonster